Thoughts on elitism and conspiracy threads here.

My preffered sytsem of government? Hmm thats pretty tough.
It would probably be a democratic government based on the freedom of individuals and moral values. A totally transparent government that represents the people for who they work. Not a government that looks after itself at the expense of everyone else. Politicians should be trustworthy, if a polititian is caught lying then his job is compromised and he must be replaced. A fair government.
The best freedoms any nation has ever enjoyed are the freedoms being taken away from the people in the USA. The constitution and the bill of rights created a good place to start. Its a shame to see the glory of it being taken away. The same goes here in the UK, I feel lucky to have been born into such a prosperous country. We dont have as many rights here as in the USA, but what we do have are being chiselled away slowely but surely.
G, you say you are cynical, you cant be any more cynical than me. I thought I was the worlds biggest cynic.
The only thing that really bothers me, is that if they are taking away these protections for our freedom, what do they have in store for us once they are gone? Thats what scares me.

edit: I just want to add......Rewarding hustle promotes greed. If it was backed by some sort of moral obligation to provide back into the community that you are from then yeah. But making money for moneys sake beyond any reasonable need(greed) I think is ethically wrong. Its okay to have capitalism but then the greedy people dont give back to where they came from, and so areas lack maintainance or redevelopment.
There needs to be some sort of balance between the haves and have nots, not just the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. The big corporations shouldnt be allowed to open up big trading estates, big supermarkets killing local opportunity. The corporations are buying up the world, making it harder for the small business man to hustle.
When all the cards are held by the big boys its a bit hard to play poker.


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Let me guess you got a Master's or PhD in some social science. Dude, open your eyes, you know the competing interests that are at stake.

Why don't you get off pontificating on a fucking messageboard and make a non-profit group or some shit. Or if you're involved in one - why don't you fucking do shit for them (I assume LEGAL shit.)

Live in your Disneyland man

I just got done reading this back and forth with Mastermind and 2good, I think you went a little overboard "damning" these MF's, it's out of character from many of your other posts IMO.

You know as well as I do that the industry is withering on the vine, that compared to ten years ago, there's only about 10% of the money out there in the industry for people to get. And considering there's 800% more "producers", the pie is more like a crumb right now.

There's a lot of youths up in here thinking they can "make beats" and get a private jet. You been straight up in the past that if people want to make real money they should go into investment banking, medicine, law, etc. have a back up plan. Exercise your mind, get a diploma so if music doesn't pan out, you have other options of survival.

That's why I'm surprised that you played the "ignorance is bliss" card in your post, it's a weak argument. Mastermind is right on point, and discounting what he has to say with some commercial hip hop statement like "fuck you and your PHD, I'm gonna make me some paper" is weak IMO.

I do get what you're saying that the odds of anyone's chatter or idealism resulting in any real progress is slim. However just like the cat who makes beats on a $50 drum machine and ends up hitting the big time, you gotta encourage people who are upset wiht the current world state to be vocal and active even if the chances of their actions having any palpable result is slim.

I know you got real life and real responsibilities like the rest of us, and I'm not trying to start some time consuming internet beef bullshit. I also know that your posts on these boards have been incredibly valuable and thought provoking to everyone on these boards, so nothing personal.

I just want to say for the record that MF's should have the balls to speak up if they don't like what they see, be it music, politics, or whatever. That's the only way things get better. And telling people they can't change shit ("fuck it let me make some paper") is a negative way to sum up what's being discussed here. We got so much technology these days, yet free speech and free thinking is on a downward spiral, people are happily being forcefed what they're told by the media and sitting in their recliners doing nothing while things are getting progressively worse.

And before their is action, their is talk, I have a lot more respect for the vocal few than the inactive silent masses, I don't find any of the posts in this thread as time wasting internet wankery, I actually find it kind of refreshing. You don't see this kind of talk or these concepts discussed very often.


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
I got no personal beef with them two - because I don't know the cats. I got beef with some ideas. That's it. Political discussions take a lot of time and can go on forever, so I'll just squash it right here.

As far as "screw a PhD" - I never said that outright - you seem to be assuming I meant that. I'm just saying - if a persona has deep personal convictions for something, then at least go out and do something about it - more than saying "ima vote for so and so." Go out and work for the dude or one of the political groups that support whatever the hell you're doing. That's action.

And yeah, it's always about the money -- that's life.


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Yeah, it's all good, I'm cool with where everyone's coming from, I just get weary when I perceive people advocating apathy, it worries me.
Good thread though, good discussion.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
It's bleak, but see reality as it is - it's a bitch - and start kicking some ass.
Yeah lifes a bitch... and sometimes you marry one! lol Everything you said is true G.O.D. My idea of change is a more violent one because cats have been reading books and negotiating for ions...shits still the same. People respect those who have the potential of a destructive forward. But hey my idea will never work because its not really enough cats on the same page as I am. Buts thats life you got some that say let me go ahead and do as the Romans Do and then there are some that will not conform to no parts of this system of things in no way shape, form , or fashion and they are to be respected as well. Lucky for me I know how to adapt and overcome in just about any situation simply because of the fact that I live by the motto "brothers don't stay down forever". This illuminati shit...some of it may be true, but even I have stop letting this kind of information fuck with me because I know the truth plus I have "knowledge of self and mind" so the devil can come with all kinds of trickknowlogy...I just see thru shit like plexiglass.

The Mastermind

This Illuminati Be Illin'
ill o.g.
I think the illuminati is overplayed. We've got an elite but they're not at that level of control.

Hey Skid don't you need ideas and action? Otherwise the action would be directionless.

I don't have a PHD.

God, what happens when politics takes away your dollars?

This is a quote of a quote from the article.

An article is this week's The Economist summarizes the malaise in housing in particularly apocalyptic terms:

"America's house prices are falling even faster than during the Great Depression. As house prices in America continue their rapid descent, market-watchers are having to cast back ever further for gloomy comparisons. The latest S&P/Case-Shiller national house-price index, published this week, showed a slump of 14.1% in the year to the first quarter, the worst since the index began 20 years ago. Now Robert Shiller, an economist at Yale University and co-inventor of the index, has compiled a version that stretches back over a century. This shows that the latest fall in nominal prices is already much bigger than the 10.5% drop in 1932, the worst point of the Depression. And things are even worse than they look. In the deflationary 1930s house prices declined less in real terms. Today inflation is running at a brisk pace, so property prices have fallen by a staggering 18% in real terms over the past year." ("The Economist")

The writer, Mike Whitney, predicted the sub-prime mess a few years back. In those days when I told folks about it they thought I was stupid.

I noticed yesterday the Australian govt is getting organised to deal with bank failure.


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Originally Posted by God

"And yeah, it's always about the money -- that's life."

No diss, but that's just sad.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
Hey Skid don't you need ideas and action? Otherwise the action would be directionless.

I don't have a PHD.
I would imagine so my friend. Dont get me wrong just thinking out loud sort of speak when I speak type my peice, but I dont have a PhD either...I'm just thinking basic. The winners of history write history as they see fit. Of course you would plan your work and work your plan to be successful at anything...but like you said we dont have PhD's. They only way to beat um is join um some say. ( I mean adopt the capitalist way of thinking) I mean I come from decendents of slaves and I'm a war vet. My people were forced to America and the rules are still the same...fuck up get locked your ass to death and give you just enough money to bring your ass back to work the following week, then tax the shit out your wages...(and what I'm spittin aint on any racial shit either...just telling you how the strong arm game goes down)As far as my veteran service I 'm only proud that I made it back home alive but I've seen how it goes down If you weak you get invaded with little or no negotiations. So on the reals If I was going to set shit off one day My plan of ideas and actions would be the enemies plan just reversed and upgraded.
I would imagine so my friend. Dont get me wrong just thinking out loud sort of speak when I speak type my peice, but I dont have a PhD either...I'm just thinking basic. The winners of history write history as they see fit. Of course you would plan your work and work your plan to be successful at anything...but like you said we dont have PhD's. They only way to beat um is join um some say. ( I mean adopt the capitalist way of thinking) I mean I come from decendents of slaves and I'm a war vet. My people were forced to America and the rules are still the same...fuck up get locked your ass to death and give you just enough money to bring your ass back to work the following week, then tax the shit out your wages...(and what I'm spittin aint on any racial shit either...just telling you how the strong arm game goes down)As far as my veteran service I 'm only proud that I made it back home alive but I've seen how it goes down If you weak you get invaded with little or no negotiations. So on the reals If I was going to set shit off one day My plan of ideas and actions would be the enemies plan just reversed and upgraded.

I didnt know you were a vet, I have the utmost respect for anyone willing to lay their life on the line for their country.
Just reversing an enemies plan makes for a predictable strategy, sometimes a strategy requires an uncouf and unexpected line of attack. That way its hard to read and prepare against. Just my thoughts on strategy, have nothing really to do with this discussion, but I thought Id add that. Peace.


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
Ah, and so here's the crux of my entire post.

You gotta first realize where I'm coming from. I live in a culture where we backstab and do whatever happens to get to the top in the biz. It's life.

The thing is, if you really look at what I said - I didn't say anything really that "controversial" that goes against the "status quo."

I can't let my true political thoughts be known online because I don't know who's on the internet. I've seen cats get fired because of posting not industry shit (if that was the case, most of you wouldn't get my posts - unless I named real names) - but political shit, or personal opinions about somebody or something - and then that comes back to haunt them at the chopping block.

The lesson is:

1. You don't know who the fuck is reading your posts on the internet.
2. If you don't give a fuck - then read on - if you have something to lose, like a position or job, well then - political discussions fuck you up. I've seen it happen.
3. We live in an information society where shit you post is going to be online forever.
4. Therefore, I don't reveal my true political colors to anyone.

I don't because I don't know if my boss is on this forum - or whoever. Especially if you post from work, the IT guy can fuck with you. And political shit can get you fucked up when you're in positions where you can lose because somebody can slander your name. I'm not saying this applies to all you cats - but just look how many fucking posts my little bait post took - 51 so far?

Yo, I'm not on some 1984 shit, but you gotta be real about shit. If you don't care, more power to you and do your thing. Learn the lesson from the ACTION I created and read into it...

The thing that I DO believe in is that there are many brilliant people lost in the ghettoes who can be PhD's or M.D.'s instead of hoping to get a break in entertainment or professional sports. There's so much more human potential.

I'm sorry if the way I did this offended cats on this board, I really do.

It's just the job I do - you gotta ALWAYS watch your back. So, for you cats who want to make it behind the scenes in the industry, trust me, watching your back will be a big priority.

If you don't, then keep doing whatever it is you're doing and be positive.

Class dismissed - and honestly - vote Obama (that's a safe entertainment industry political statement :).

Life IS a bitch. Y'all chill now... OK? Just chill... damn it got you fired up :)


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I think the illuminati is overplayed. We've got an elite but they're not at that level of control.

Hey Skid don't you need ideas and action? Otherwise the action would be directionless.

I don't have a PHD.

God, what happens when politics takes away your dollars?

This is a quote of a quote from the article.

The writer, Mike Whitney, predicted the sub-prime mess a few years back. In those days when I told folks about it they thought I was stupid.

I noticed yesterday the Australian govt is getting organised to deal with bank failure.

Couple of things, first asking an economists opinion is like asking a shrinks opinion you will get a bunch of diff ones, so his bleak outlook doesnt make it so.

You didnt have to be an economist to see that subprime loans were dumb, I had 2 offers when trying to get my house , I never went for it because it sounded insane. People who fell for that shit were suckers. They tell you off top that your payments are gonna rise so I dont buy that bail out the idiots crap, but I guess we will.
Ah, and so here's the crux of my entire post.

You gotta first realize where I'm coming from. I live in a culture where we backstab and do whatever happens to get to the top in the biz. It's life.

The thing is, if you really look at what I said - I didn't say anything really that "controversial" that goes against the "status quo."

I can't let my true political thoughts be known online because I don't know who's on the internet. I've seen cats get fired because of posting not industry shit (if that was the case, most of you wouldn't get my posts - unless I named real names) - but political shit, or personal opinions about somebody or something - and then that comes back to haunt them at the chopping block.

The lesson is:

1. You don't know who the fuck is reading your posts on the internet.
2. If you don't give a fuck - then read on - if you have something to lose, like a position or job, well then - political discussions fuck you up. I've seen it happen.
3. We live in an information society where shit you post is going to be online forever.
4. Therefore, I don't reveal my true political colors to anyone.

I don't because I don't know if my boss is on this forum - or whoever. Especially if you post from work, the IT guy can fuck with you. And political shit can get you fucked up when you're in positions where you can lose because somebody can slander your name. I'm not saying this applies to all you cats - but just look how many fucking posts my little bait post took - 51 so far?

Yo, I'm not on some 1984 shit, but you gotta be real about shit. If you don't care, more power to you and do your thing. Learn the lesson from the ACTION I created and read into it...

The thing that I DO believe in is that there are many brilliant people lost in the ghettoes who can be PhD's or M.D.'s instead of hoping to get a break in entertainment or professional sports. There's so much more human potential.

I'm sorry if the way I did this offended cats on this board, I really do.

It's just the job I do - you gotta ALWAYS watch your back. So, for you cats who want to make it behind the scenes in the industry, trust me, watching your back will be a big priority.

If you don't, then keep doing whatever it is you're doing and be positive.

Class dismissed - and honestly - vote Obama (that's a safe entertainment industry political statement :).

Life IS a bitch. Y'all chill now... OK? Just chill... damn it got you fired up :)

Word, the wisest man plays his cards close to his chest. Especially when its a high stakes game.
I have to respect your position, its honest and its understandable. Maybe my big mouth on the subject will cause me trouble one day, but thats a risk I decided to take a while back.
Im pretty much on the fence as to whether it was a waste of time or not, but I say what I say only with EVERYONES best interest at heart, for the long term. And Ive never played high stakes, so didnt consider the fact that I one day could do.
If I have to stab someone in the back to succeed then that compromises my moral standards. I pride myself on my moral standards and trustability, I value honesty and loyalty above most things. When you have nothing but your honour, then your honour is your most valuable asset.
There is no honour in backstabbing or stepping on toes, and so I try to lead by example in that respect.
I never get the promotion because I wont lick the bosses arse.
In a world of stereotypes and pigeonholes I try to be different from the others and be the unique human being that I am, these days it seems that my honesty is fairly rare so it seperates me from the masses.

A question for you G, as I have never experienced the same dog eat dog existance.
Doesnt it in some way eat away at your soul/conscience to live and be a part of a backstabbing world?
Do you ever consider a career change that wasnt so....Cut Throat, for the less money of course?
And one that Im just gonna throw in, does the money fill the hole. Does it make you happy and content?
Whats your definition of happyness?

These questions have fuck all to do with the thread, but being as we are from two different schools of thought, it would satisfy my stupid curiosity. Feel free to answer if you wish, but you can decline in the name of G.O.D Security(Sort of like national security but it applies to just you)


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
A question for you G, as I have never experienced the same dog eat dog existance.
Doesnt it in some way eat away at your soul/conscience to live and be a part of a backstabbing world?
Do you ever consider a career change that wasnt so....Cut Throat, for the less money of course?
And one that Im just gonna throw in, does the money fill the hole. Does it make you happy and content?
Whats your definition of happyness?

These questions have fuck all to do with the thread, but being as we are from two different schools of thought, it would satisfy my stupid curiosity. Feel free to answer if you wish, but you can decline in the name of G.O.D Security(Sort of like national security but it applies to just you)

>>>A question for you G, as I have never experienced the same dog eat dog existance.
- Right, I can tell.

>>>Doesnt it in some way eat away at your soul/conscience to live and be a part of a backstabbing world?
- Hmm... how can "moral" people also be so hypocritical. Like religious folk who seem to live in la-la-land and try to convert me to THEIR moral beliefs. They should respect mine as I respect theirs - although we are free to comment on each others' belief systems. Does that bother their conscience when they try to evangelize?

>>>Do you ever consider a career change that wasnt so....Cut Throat, for the less money of course?
- Why should I? I help put stuff out there that makes people happy and they dance/rock out to.

>>>And one that Im just gonna throw in, does the money fill the hole. Does it make you happy and content?
- 2good, I respect you - but save the pop-psychology on someone else, man.

>>>Whats your definition of happyness?
Happyness as in "Pursuit of..." or happiness as in: I am able to pay my medical insurance, live a good life and I got out of a place where I had to count quarters and dimes in order to make it through the day.
>>>A question for you G, as I have never experienced the same dog eat dog existance.
- Right, I can tell.

>>>Doesnt it in some way eat away at your soul/conscience to live and be a part of a backstabbing world?
- Hmm... how can "moral" people also be so hypocritical. Like religious folk who seem to live in la-la-land and try to convert me to THEIR moral beliefs. They should respect mine as I respect theirs - although we are free to comment on each others' belief systems. Does that bother their conscience when they try to evangelize?

>>>Do you ever consider a career change that wasnt so....Cut Throat, for the less money of course?
- Why should I? I help put stuff out there that makes people happy and they dance/rock out to.

>>>And one that Im just gonna throw in, does the money fill the hole. Does it make you happy and content?
- 2good, I respect you - but save the pop-psychology on someone else, man.

>>>Whats your definition of happyness?
Happyness as in "Pursuit of..." or happiness as in: I am able to pay my medical insurance, live a good life and I got out of a place where I had to count quarters and dimes in order to make it through the day.

Dont get me wrong, Im certainly no evangelist trying convert people to my beleif system.
And Im certainly no saint. I was just seeking some enlightenment for my own selfish needs.
One of the things that lets me not get all caught up in worrying about the cashflow is that age old saying "Money Doesnt Buy Happiness". There are many sayings that us poor folk say to each other to get away from the fact that money isnt everything.
I was just wondering if there was actually any truth to them by asking someone from a relevant background.
I respect your hustle, you do what you do. I was just curious as to when you do stab someone in the back, doesnt it touch you to any extent? Guilt etc.
Personally I feel very guilty about cheating people and I feel wrong inside, thats just the way I was brought up.
Times were hard as a kid as they were for most, most of my friends are getting on their own hustle, and some criminal activity too. I dont judge them for that, thats their path. It just wasnt the path for me.
Your a businessman, without the cold hearted attributes that good businessmen have you would have never made it in your career of choice.
Your great advice to us artists here at ill betrays your cold hearted attitude, it smells of goodwill to me.
Unless your being here on ill is in some way a business venture on your part, you can see something profitable from some members here and its just "business". <<Which would also be cool, I think there are some very good artists here that could benefit greatly from your guidance..
Theres an old bible saying and its good that you go by the name god...........
"God Helps Those That Help Themselves" and it seems to me you are.

PS I have never ever ever stood on a corner with a loud hailer saying "Jesus is our Saviour" Im really not an evangelist, I dont have the moral fortitude, its just that I try to be aware of my faults and failings and work on making myself a better person, for no one else but me. Shit I even rolled a spliff with a page from the new testament once, and as a kid we used to rob the money from the church offerings pot. I have done some awful things in the past for which I feel guilty but have to live with. Like shooting a duckling, and watching it suffer because we were unable to finish it off, I will never forget that or ever not feel guilty about it, but thats me.

The whole point of my questions was to get some insight into the mind of a successful business man, not make you go running to the nearest church and thank Jesus for something.
I dont even beleive in Jesus, or any other organized religion.

Edit: The thing that set me on my path to honesty, was 2 of my best mates becoming 2 of the worst liars I have ever known excluding my ex, shes the biggest liar I have ever known.

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