To all who have visited a studio before...


Equality 7-2521

How many of you cats have recorded, produced, mixed, mastered or done anything music related at a professional studio before?

Id be really interested to hear what your experiance/s were like....

e.g. what did you do, for how long, how much did it cost, what was the engineer/people like, was it worth it, any stories etc etc.


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
Equality 7-2521 said:
How many of you cats have recorded, produced, mixed, mastered or done anything music related at a professional studio before?

Id be really interested to hear what your experiance/s were like....

e.g. what did you do, for how long, how much did it cost, what was the engineer/people like, was it worth it, any stories etc etc.

I went to one once to get some tuition, the guy there was real nice and taught me alot of stuff about equing compression and how you get paid etc. It was really informative, if you get a chance to do it or are thinkin about it definately do it because it is well worth it.


ill o.g.
Aye -

He had that pro tools HD system 24 bit i think...the black console.
Pro Tools

and A fantom S and 2 MPCs - with some other joints on pre-order.

I made the beat in reason, and right off gate - it all sounded nice cuz of the sound system.
So i mixed it down...and took it home...and it was good. But no different then when i bring my own cd to play there @ the studio.

And i watched the guy, mix and edit some tracks in pro tools. But nothing in mastered.

Just real clean and efficient.

Once again - after 2-3 visits and you overcome the awe of "its a studio with 100,000 equipment" - i kinda rather sat at home...especially since the stuff they did i can do already or i felt like i was giving more then taking.

But thats just 1 situation.

Nuff B

ill o.g.
Equality 7-2521 said:
How many of you cats have recorded, produced, mixed, mastered or done anything music related at a professional studio before?

Id be really interested to hear what your experiance/s were like....

e.g. what did you do, for how long, how much did it cost, what was the engineer/people like, was it worth it, any stories etc etc.

i work in a professional studio its al relative to what you when you make a beat and mix it in cubase or fruity loops or anything all it is there is equipment in front of you the siz of equipment may discourage you but dont let it but it has taought me how to mix and master my beats a whole lot better and it has taught me that 90% of rappers in the world is garbage i was amazed when i first started workin there bu ti only use a couple of nobs and buttons every time now you just gotta get comfoartable with your sound. But i have worked with a lot of artist that have made it now back in the days i have worked wit houston the singer cat that pulled his eye out. conway got signed to interscope but yeah over all its boring but it is good money holla

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
My sis hooked me up with Mad Lion, some of you may remember, he dropped an ILL track back in the day called "gotta take it easy", he's a New York Jamaican cat, huge dreads, looks like a fucking lion...

anyway, i got to have Big Pun's producer mix down one of my beats, he laid some vocals on it (on some funny shit, we were smoking blunts non stop) ...

Great fucking equipment, beautiful air conditioned hard wood floor enviroment..

since it was on the hook up, i didnt have to pay anything, it was a real late session...

but honestly, all that equipment didn't do too much to change how the beat already sounded... it really isn't necessary these days, that's why you see so many classic great studios going under...

I also recorded with my band @ a dope studio, with REAL plate reverb, separate rooms for every musician, all kinds of crazy shit.. for live recording, you really cant beat a good studio, especially a good drum room with good acoustics


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
yo i was wondering how much do recording engineers make like yearly pay and shit or do they just get a percentage of what the studio makes i have been searching and can't find nothing


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
THats tight.....Hopps, you never told me that shit about BigPuns Producer mixin a track for you!?......Thats one strange term of events dog...sounds like it was fun as hell too???:)

Cant wait to build my own hardwood floor studio some that would be nice.

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Equality 7-2521 said:
How many of you cats have recorded, produced, mixed, mastered or done anything music related at a professional studio before?

Id be really interested to hear what your experiance/s were like....

e.g. what did you do, for how long, how much did it cost, what was the engineer/people like, was it worth it, any stories etc etc.

I've been in alot of pro recording studio's what did i do? everything Well except for Engineering and mixing.. Didn't Cost me a dime sometimes i was hired others were connections/ meetings

Just regular people i guess Some were about Bizz an fun and others were just hard to the core all about the money type people (especially whe i was in la)

yea it was well worth it.. came out with alot of connections more work and alot of Sound libaries

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
DJ Hoppa said:
My sis hooked me up with Mad Lion, some of you may remember, he dropped an ILL track back in the day called "gotta take it easy", he's a New York Jamaican cat, huge dreads, looks like a fucking lion...

yeah man, I seen him live back when he was out there.

I recorded in a pro-studio, the engineer had gold records on the wall,,,he produced some 80's rock group,,,dont remember who tho,,,,I never made a beat there, but his studio was tight and we only recorded vocals, i mix the finals at home,,,so I cant say anything as far as creatin tracfks, but for vocals,,,its a must,,,home recordin sucks,,


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
once wen i woz in my band a few years back we won a battle of the bands competition and as part of the prize we won a recording weekend in london, at some big studio that i can't remember the name of now, their were gold discs all over the walls big chilling out areas and then a couple of HUGE studios massive mixing desks pro tools the full works i've never seen speakers the size of the ones they had in the control room, i got pics but i haven't got a scanner to post the up but it woz a kewl weekend we made and recorded a track with jamiroquai's producer at the time !

Equality 7-2521

Nuff B: what exactly is your role at the studio you work at? do you record, mix and master or do you specialise in mastering electronically produced music (beats)?

Hoppa: I hate you. Where is my real plate reverb bitch? I feel what your saying though about how a big studio with expensive equipment doesnt make that much difference to electronically produced music but more so to live recording.

nnxt: so artists would pay you to go and produce their beats in a full on studio?

stresswon: yeah word. for vocals and all acoustic instruments its important to have a good room and a good engineer. did your studio vocal recording come out far better than your home vocal recordings?

keep it comin guys...

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Equality 7-2521 said:
nnxt: so artists would pay you to go and produce their beats in a full on studio?


or a Producer would Pay me to Come in the studio Make a few beats and co produce the song(s)

or i know the owner('s) of the Studio or the engineer and they let me in the lab free to do the sessions and or hold meetings

but yea for the most part someone would let me in Free because i got a connection or someone would pay my hourly fee to produce something for them and pay for the beat and or my production services..

never tell someone u own a Studio Ever.. you can get budget from someone by telling them

O yea i can get the track done but i also need a Budget to pay for the studio time.. So guess what you pay yourself :) ontop of getting payed for ur service

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
DueceMade Ent. said:
Hey Stress ----- Wheres my vocals sucka!!!!???,......You owe me a acc!

i know man,,,Wings too,,,I've been mad busy and my PC crashed again,,,,lol, I'm havin a bad month, Musically. ***email me the instra again,,I think I didnt back that up. I been lookin for it.

Mess: Without a doubt the vocals were so much better.


ill o.g.
i work in one... when i have a session i get paid $15 to $30 bones an hour (whatever i can get out of em), i also work for a spanish record label the provide me with salary on top of that, but in return i record their shit for $8 bucks an hour.

Equality 7-2521

Corps and Nuff B.....what exacltly are your positions? e.g. engineer, producer etc etc.


ill o.g.
i engineer.... but i produce my own shit and do whatever i want outta there as long as no one else is using it.

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