Today was a bad day.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
I woke up this morning to news that My Cousin, Abdula, was shot and killed last night.

It is unclear as to the reason for the shooting.. but police think it may have been a car jacking.

My cousin was shot 11 times... and died at the hospital. He probably would have been able to run.. but he was injured cuz he had been hit by a car the day before (while riding his bike).

He leaves behind a girlfriend and a child.. and his girlfriends pregnant.

Earlier that day he told my aunt (his mom): "I'm tired of strugglin out here, I'm comming home"



Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
Fade said:
Whoa.... that's some terrible shit. My condolences.
damn, keep your head up bro, life can suck a lot! and these weapons are crazy, people dont know how much they are taking away from others.....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Aw man, that's bad. I send my deepest sympathy to you and your fam. I always hate hearing about things like this no matter who it is. Bad way to lose somebody.


ill o.g.
R.I.P fam

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