Tricking Reason with Midi Tempo


ill o.g.
Is there any way to trick Reason into thinking a midi file is importing at a diffrent tempo. I have a file that imports at 200 BPMS even thouhg this is no where near the correct speed. Thus when the notes are played they only sound right at 200 BPM and everything else sounds very fast. Is there anyway of tricking reason or changing the midi file data so it imports at the correct speed?


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
All u can do is change the tempo or highlight the midi and right click and click on change events the go on scale tempo and half the tempo. which would bring it to 100 but would sound slower so no u can really do it unless u do the tempo thing to everything else apart from the midi then that should work.



Hmmm.... could you import it into Reason, slow the tempo down by half, then export it as a MIDI file, then bring it back into Reason again?


IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
Ok. Never fear the Reason man is here....

- do this. figure out wht BMP u want it at...
- then do the math... n/200=x% then go 100-x%=F (n=new BPM)
- then highlight the whole song, right click and go to :change events:
- then take your :scale tempo: down to F (wht u figured out above.)
- click apply next to :scale temp: and "X" to close the box.

ie: u want the new temp 94 BPM... so do 94/200=.47 then 100-47=53
so then u would set your :scale tempo: to 53%
its just that simple....

let me know how this wrks for you....


ill o.g.
Freakwncy said:
Ok. Never fear the Reason man is here....

- do this. figure out wht BMP u want it at...
- then do the math... n/200=x% then go 100-x%=F (n=new BPM)
- then highlight the whole song, right click and go to :change events:
- then take your :scale tempo: down to F (wht u figured out above.)
- click apply next to :scale temp: and "X" to close the box.

ie: u want the new temp 94 BPM... so do 94/200=.47 then 100-47=53
so then u would set your :scale tempo: to 53%
its just that simple....

let me know how this wrks for you....
oooo...the man! :yes:


ill o.g.
Thanks man, but this slows the whole track down. I am not looking to change the tempo of the track, I just want to change the speed reason thinks the track is recorded at so other elements such as the Dr. can be used. Ie. I want the track which says it is recorded at 222 BPM to play at 100 BPM and sound the same.

Freakwncy said:
Ok. Never fear the Reason man is here....

- do this. figure out wht BMP u want it at...
- then do the math... n/200=x% then go 100-x%=F (n=new BPM)
- then highlight the whole song, right click and go to :change events:
- then take your :scale tempo: down to F (wht u figured out above.)
- click apply next to :scale temp: and "X" to close the box.

ie: u want the new temp 94 BPM... so do 94/200=.47 then 100-47=53
so then u would set your :scale tempo: to 53%
its just that simple....

let me know how this wrks for you....

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