Unsampled Hits??? Is It Possible???

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ill o.g.
first off i dont wana confuse this with a samplin or keyboard arguemant. alrite now i was jus going thru a couple forums, and im realizin how much the "big producers" sample. not really being a fan of samplin myself, but trying to get "big" like you know the big catz...do you think it would be possible for me to come out with hits that have no samples in em?? (let's get past the.."first you have to be able to make a hit" stage aight) or maybe do you think its the samples that make the hits??? cuz when i say i dont sample i mean i reeaaallly do not sample....so wassup??


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I know, lots of big hits come from past big hits. But don't forget - look at a lot of the beats from the south, lots of synths and stuff. Even though I don't like most of the stuff from the south (let's not turn this into a debate!), it can still be done. Of course if you had a hot sample, and looped it like a lot of today's stuff, then BAM! you got yourself a plaque.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
I myself do not think it is possible to make a platinum or really hot song that follows the tru or classic hip hop style without the use of a sample or popular interpolation or melody that is easily identifiable.......now some mannie fresh type track or something that doesn't rely on the sample as much as a hot hook or rapper now that kind of track might be possible but you have to find the right spitter for it.......your chances are slim if you can't either find an old catch melody or vinyl riff that was hot....most platinum tracks do contain a sample that possibly by itself on the original record was hot in the charts when it came out.......


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
Like Fade said, Down South And West Coast cats have been doing this forever.


Yeah you don't have to sample unless you are pdiddy and can't come up with something yourself...sure it's easier biting a past hit but that doesn't mean it's some hard fast rule...it's just gotta have a hook to move the masses...I've tested that out myself when I played a pre-released track to my friends and they kept saying/singing the hook throughout the day whether they wanted to or not.


I think this answers the question on makin hitz without samples. I was reading the article on pharell of the neptunes in the source magazine, and he said they dont even sample. So that bout sums it up right there.


DJ Combz

ill o.g.
I think you can make it by not sampling, look at the song that your sampling you think its tight, well someone produced that hit, get my pic, but ya alota hits today are sampled if think we need to get more back into playing the intrus (git, piano, harmonica, etc..) or have the concept down and show someone that does know how to play them.

Knock Out

Rap's Genious
ill o.g.
Yeah that questions kinda dumb... if the beat's a banger that gets stuck in your head for hours after you hear it, I don't think somebody will be like "Oh this has no samples, get it off the radio and that guys album!!" LoL -