What DAW software do you use?


ill o.g.
I just figured out how to send Live's midi effects to Maschine so I'm bringing live back...but logic is still the goto for mixing.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
^^ whaddayamean ?
Accepting you dont know it all is the path to knowing it all. The worst case from your perspective is that herb is right and you're not, imo, most gangsta producers are the biggest noooooooobs in the game for example.

Bob Katz is a herb, okay ?!


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
dacalion = gangsta producer, Im bout ta drop my nu album called "Da B*tch Betta Got My $" with the hit singles "My Jacuzzi Ways A Ton" and "Roll'n on 40's". =)


ill o.g.
Sampling: Ableton 8 Suite
Composing/Recording : Logic 9


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
@DP This is from your source......Sigh


A computer-based DAW has four basic components: a computer, an ADC-DAC (also called a sound card, audio interface, etc.), a digital audio editor software, and at least one input device for adding or modifying musical note data (this could be as simple as a mouse, and as sophisticated as a MIDI controller keyboard, or an automated fader board for mixing track volumes, etc.). The computer acts as a host for the sound card and software and provides processing power for audio editing. The sound card (if used) or external audio interface typically converts analog audio signals into digital form, and for playback converting digital to analog audio; it may also assist in further processing the audio. The software controls all related hardware components and provides a user interface to allow for recording, editing, and playback. Most computer-based DAWs have extensive MIDI recording, editing, and playback capabilities, and some even have minor video-related features.

Simple smartphone-based DAWs, called Mobile Audio Workstation (MAWs), are also available, used for example by journalists for recording and editing on location.



A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Does machine have a multitrack recorder or any way to record other than sampling? Nope that is what a DAW by definition is.

Maschine is a sequencer/sampler


or let me make this even clearer

If you cant record a live band in it, it is not a DAW


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304

I don't use a DAW.. I just make music off of this thing called "maschine"


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Taken str8 from Native Instruments website!!!

MASCHINE integrates easily into your computer-based studio set-up. Use the hardware controller (THIS TELLS U WHAT IT IS...IT'S A HARDWARE CONTROLLER) to find, load and play sounds, automate parameters and arrange patterns on the fly. Combine this with the ability to control and sequence all of your external hardware instruments, or switch to MIDI mode to control other software.

After quickly and intuitively developing your ideas, drag and drop your patterns as MIDI or audio files directly into your DAW (<<TELLS U WHAT IT IS NOT...IF IT WAS A "DAW" WHY WOULD YOU HAVE TO DRAG AND DROP YOUR PATTERS AS MIDI OR AUDIO FILES DIRECTLY INTO YOUR.....WAIT FOR ITTTTT "DAW") to finalize and mix your production. You’ll soon realize MASCHINE is a powerhouse capable of revolutionizing the way you make music.

HARDWARE CONTROLLER...NOT A DAW MY FRIEND! Does not mean it won't evolve and become one. Native Instruments can do anything seems like. They stay on there A game.