What is the little things that impresses you the least?

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DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
what is the little things that impress you the least?

-Old people driving (see traffic)
-cashed bowls
-drunk girls
-when the chic @ my work puts on shitty music
-internet arguments, hah
-wack rappers
-wack rappers who think they're dope
-dick riders
-taking a sip of beer when there's a cig butt in it (fucking foul)
-hot ass weather
-cold ass weather
-when Im sitting down and I stand up and my balls are stuck to my leg


ill o.g.
A great list, but...

What about when you go for a shit and its kinda cuts off half way, so you spend half an hour and a whole toilet roll wiping your arse. Nasty.

The Bastard

bein broke,havin no bitch,havin no food, havin no car, havin no place to sleep. we all been there at some point, hopefully not all at the same time


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
When youre waiting in line at Six FLags and you have to fart, only to find out that liquid instead of gas comes out.

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
-When people do and say stupid things


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
-rappers callin them selves 'lil ...nobody
-new PT shit, next generation crap pfff.
-too long shoe laces
-little things that bling, shit aint impressive...


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
^^^^ Hit her with the do you need a mint test


DJ Will Kill
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
When you try to leave a room real fast and turn the lights of at the same time but keep missing the light switch. you keep missing it as you get further and further away from it.

Having to use floppys on my mpc.

Having no tilt screen on my mpc

getting a disk read error.

people that cant tell me who makes their tv. (you watch it everyday)

people who use bad words in public.

a girl that is not over a 6 in looks at the club and wont dance with you.

people who think bootleg movies on dvd look clear and have great sound

people who window shop.

when you get a kanker soar in your mouth. and all you do is keep tounging it and making it worst.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
-When my dealer runs out of weed
-Hot Weather
-Stupid &/or Ignorant People



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
A flat tire on your way home from work, on a friday!

Foam at the bottom of the beer bottle

Not calling in sick when your sick because you've used all your sick days for sleepin in and being lazy all them days

Gettin fired!

Waiting for the bus when it's cold as a bitch out

Mold on the last peices of bread you need for that sandwich when u got the munchies

Buying a bag of chips and all of them are broken

stepping in dog shit

Oily fingers on the triton screen

Metal weed pipes

Scuffing your new tims

The smell of cigarette butts (ARGH!)

People that wet the fuck out of the blunt when they hit it

people that hold the blunt to long

Sticks and seeds in your bag of weed

The taste of shrooms


I could go on and on...


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
- College

- Metal heads who diss hip hop and think they're cool...

- White guys who wear bandanas like Tupac.


The Bastard

wack rappers that hide behind hooks and r n b singers cuz they know that cant rap worth a shit
g g g g g uniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt