What the Pros use...


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Stolen from http://primeloops.com/news/what-do-the-pros-use/

What do the Pros use
Have you ever compared your mix to a charting single and thought to yourself "How come my mix isn't that professional sounding? ...What have they got that I haven't?"

Well, apart from the money to pay highly experienced studio engineers to assist them, here's what else some of the most popular professional producers in the business use to make their hits...

A quick note: Most producers tend to be notoriously defensive about their gear, so these lists are not by any means the entirety of their production suite!

Dr Dre's Studio Equipment:

5 MPC 3000's
Pro Tools
ARP String Ensemble

Dre's Production style remains firmly in the old school; he uses 5 MPCs to lay down the beats (he has 5 because he can't be doing with changing the disk when he needs different sounds!) which go straight into Pro Tools.

Perhaps surprisingly, he uses a lot of live instrumentation on his productions - even re-recording parts instead of sampling them, as well as some authentic analog synths.

Timbaland's Studio Equipment:

Korg Triton
Yamaha Motif 7
Ensoniq ASR-10
Yamaha NS10s
Neumann U 87 mic
UREI 1176 compressor
Neve 1076 preamp
Digidesign Pro Tools
Various VSTi software synths

Timbaland is big on his keyboards, getting a considerable amount of his sound from the Triton and Motif 7.

Obviously not one to skimp when it comes to vocals, he combines the £2000 Neumann U87 with his similarly wallet-busting compressor and preamp choices into a crisp, well-produced vocal tracking combo!

Tiesto's studio Equipment

Andromeda A6
Waldorf Microwave XT
Novation Supernova rack
Access Virus XL
Korg Karma

Tiesto is clearly one who enjoys his hardware synths! Drawing from all over the place, from the analog Andromeda A6 to the digitized Korg Karma, he's not afraid to experiment with both sides of the electronic music spectrum!

Pendulum's studio Equipment

Prophet 10
Alesis Andromeda A6
Steinberg Nuendo 4
Mitchell & Todd active monitors
Roll Music stereo compressor

Rob Swire of Pendulum experiments with VSTs, analog synths, vintage synths, digital synths and live instrumentation. This is one versatile studio setup! Using the OSCar for dirty basses and soaring leads, A6 and prophet for pads and recording their own drum sounds, they have carved out their sound from a plethora of sources.

Apparently a massive part of their sound is the Roll Music Stereo Compressor, which beefs up their sound considerably!


A breath of fre$h air!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 76
haha yea i heard about dre needin 5 mpc's, crazy stuff. thanks for postin bro

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Slik dA Relic's studio Equipment

Yamaha RS7000
Alesis Fusion
Clavia Nord Lead2
Korg ER1
Yamaha NS10s
Rode NT1000 mic
Korg D16XD 16 Track digital recorder

Slik's production is a mix of old school equipment with new school technology... relyin heavily on the sampling and sequencing power of the RS and the virtual analog sounds of the Nord, along with the weird quirky sounds of the ER1 and the compressors of the D16XD... can easily match anything thats been put on the radio... and BEYOND!!!


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
All you need is ability....

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