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DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
Welcome to the ILL!
Terminator Thumbs Up GIF


Disservice With a Smile
Battle Points: 57
Hah word up. Nah I'm not much for battles. I generally just make beats in my spare time, and VERY occasionally record vocals if I can get the time and the silence in the house for it.


Big Clit Energy
Welcome @iDeaLoGiK and what’s your musical backstory and story behind your name?


Disservice With a Smile
Battle Points: 57
Welcome @iDeaLoGiK and what’s your musical backstory and story behind your name?
Musical back story, basically been stumbling through making hip hop music since early highschool, and started trying to dabble in FL somewhere between the end of school and the year after. Never had any real training or understanding when it came to things like music theory, just developed on my own. Still to this day, 10ish years later I couldn't pick out a scale for the life of me, but I somehow manage even though its a hell of a lot slower the way I do things. It's actually only been the past few years where I've been really progressing at making beats. Its far easier to find the time for it and I don't need as much silence as I do when recording vocals.

The name iDeaLoGiK was basically just created because I started to really get into multis and started using a lot more metaphors and plays on words than the other dudes around me were doing way back when. A lot of what other people were doin was the school yard shit trying to figure it out, and I really found the entertainment in trying to tongue twist myself while also making a coherent point. It actually really isn't meant to be a shortened version of "ideological" (although, that was kind of the intention as well) its actually just the words "idea" and "logic" put together.