who on here has the MPD16? (let's build!)


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Not to be hatin here, but that dj in the Jaz-Z/Linkin video is somewhat noob...He uses 2 mpd's and only thing he use it for is to play that sample sequence of which I bet is sequenced aswell. Now that sequence doesn't contain more than 16 notes but he still has 2 mpd's ? Why not toggle between banks ? Why not use a keyboard ?

or is he trying to pimp with 2 mpd's ?


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
Chance said:
why wouldnt you just get the REAL MPD pads? i cant even imagine a reason why they would make a software version of the mpd.

i just think that some people go overboard with the software. im a hardware guy so i must be biased.

I think you are biased cos you dont know what the hell you are talking about.
The fpc aint a software version of the mpd (DOH), so offcourse they didnt make a software version of a controller!!! It is a drummachine of fruity studio. You can link the fpc to the mpd that is what was the good people of illmuzik was talking about, work on your reading skillz and try to think through what you are saying, cos loose comments like yours dont benefit anyone.


ill o.g.
N.U.G. said:
nah cuz...

the "FPD" software you're referng to is basically just a plugin to make the MPD16 pads interact really well with FLStudio (just lllke the software built into the MPC or similar hardware)

peep the video for a brief introduction into the FLStudio/FPC/MPD combination

left click


YO I love that shit! the robot girl does it for me too...she takin? lol!


ill o.g.
RigorMortis said:
I think you are biased cos you dont know what the hell you are talking about.
The fpc aint a software version of the mpd (DOH), so offcourse they didnt make a software version of a controller!!! It is a drummachine of fruity studio. You can link the fpc to the mpd that is what was the good people of illmuzik was talking about, work on your reading skillz and try to think through what you are saying, cos loose comments like yours dont benefit anyone.
Nigga fall back and stop catchin feelins over a message board. Lame. You sound like you still use fruityloops. Dont get so attached.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
One love nigga. But on the real you are talking about things you dont know so you are making wrong conclusions, even if you arent admitting it and want to sound cool just throwing up some big words they dont amount to anything.

Back to the topic, I am not found of using the fpc, i tried it out but the the drums sound to clean not my style and i rather use dirty drums to begin with then dirty em up later. What are the other people feeling about this?


ill o.g.
RigorMortis said:
Back to the topic, I am not found of using the fpc, i tried it out but the the drums sound to clean not my style and i rather use dirty drums to begin with then dirty em up later. What are the other people feeling about this?

I haven't used it yet as I'm going hard on Reason at the moment but if you load dirty drums into the FPC then you should get dirty drums out of them right?


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
N.U.G. said:
I haven't used it yet as I'm going hard on Reason at the moment but if you load dirty drums into the FPC then you should get dirty drums out of them right?
That is true, but since i am not using the mpd, why bother to do that. Opening up the drums in the piano roll will amount to the same thing and prolly with more flexibility. Of course you could setup some drumkits but since i always use other drums in each beat that wouldnt benefit me.
And the drums that come with the fpc are way to clean for my liking, they dont breath any character,, but maybe i will export them one day and dirty em up. But for now i am content using what i have.


ill o.g.
RigorMortis said:
That is true, but since i am not using the mpd, why bother to do that. Opening up the drums in the piano roll will amount to the same thing and prolly with more flexibility. Of course you could setup some drumkits but since i always use other drums in each beat that wouldnt benefit me.
And the drums that come with the fpc are way to clean for my liking, they dont breath any character,, but maybe i will export them one day and dirty em up. But for now i am content using what i have.

word. you can import you own drum kits and drum sounds though right?

but yeah if you don't have the MPD or something similar I guess there's not to much need, unless you program your drums witha midi keyboard or something.



ill o.g.
Nnxt said:
^^ I got an extra one i' sale it for $75.00 Usd

hey where are you located? if in the tri state area i mite be interestd actualy i would like to trade my korg microkontrol for ampd 16 and a full size keyboard controler.. holla

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
I got the mpd, but I'm too lazy to use it. I play with it every now and then, but I mainly use my cpu keyboard. At first I thought I couldn't live without it, but once I got it I found that the pads weren't as soft as the mpc, and it was almost like bangin on a table. Practice makes perfect, but I really don't have the time to use it in a jam session way, but I imagine that would be the best way to get better at drum programing.


ill o.g.
Kevin A said:
I got the mpd, but I'm too lazy to use it. I play with it every now and then, but I mainly use my cpu keyboard. At first I thought I couldn't live without it, but once I got it I found that the pads weren't as soft as the mpc, and it was almost like bangin on a table. Practice makes perfect, but I really don't have the time to use it in a jam session way, but I imagine that would be the best way to get better at drum programing.

hey Kevin A,

I though that at first too but try adjusting the Pad Sensitivity and most importantly try a "straight finger" technique. Works nicely.

this is the type technique I mean




ill o.g.
ive been using the mpd with FL Studio for the past 6 months now and found it to be quite a good lil investment. altho FL Studio 5 has the new FPC, in which the drums samples can be changed, for myself i found that adding ur own drums and using layer channels to access them is alot better especially since older versions of FL dnt have the FPC. the natural swing you get for your percussions on the pads is really good too. the mpd, combined with a good sequencer, can be just as effective, if not better than the MPC (not that im hating becoz id really like an MPC but i jus cnt afford one lol) and a hell of a lot cheaper.

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