Windows 8 - Thoughts?


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
So now that Windows 8 has been out for a hot minute, has anyone had a chance to use it yet? Any thoughts, opinions? I'm interested in trying it out, but haven't had a chance to yet.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I REALLY want to like it, I have installed it on 4 different machines and removed it on all but one. A boy I will keep trying, but so far it SUCKS. The UI is built for touch and not for the desktop, it is almost jarring to use. To get to the settings you need to it is a massive pain. The metro UI is a brilliant interface, and one that frankly Apple should have came up with, but MS botched the execution on this one!


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
You already know my opinion on this one...



Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Wow, yeah I heard that it sux.. Im not even going to try it. Sounds like a stupid move by MS..
People know of only one way to work pcs, that would have been windows (for most of us)
To change that is seriously stupid, people hate change, and if it isnt intuitive people will hate it.
People hate it.


ill o.g.
From what I know, pretty much everybody that tried the beta was saying that the Modern UI (is now the name, not Metro UI anymore) is great for touchscreen devices (and imo, TV's) but it sucks for K&M computers ala Desktops and Laptops. Everyone said Aero is fantastic give us the option to switch to Aero for our PCs and keep Modern for our tablets.


Formally Finnigan
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
ha, care to elaborate?
my reasoning for saying it top (no reason to even test it further, IMO)

1. like everyone else said, it's really geared toward touch screens (tablets, phones, touch screen computers) so if you don't have a touch screen, it's awkward as hell to use.

2. as soon as i download a non-microsoft piece of software (google chrome in my case), i get thrown out of the new UI into a "regular" microsoft desktop, WTF!

3. windows 7 was the best thing since XP. it hasn't been out that long, so why mess it up with this BS? MS's track record is that every other OS is good anyway. 7 was good so 8 is a POS.

4. you have to "figure out" how to navigate. you bring up menus by using the corners.....really? i'm an IT person, so i can usually figure shit like this out with no problems. my parents on the other hand will be blowing my phone up asking me how to use this.

i don't think this was well thought out by MS. i think that they saw what apple was doing and decided that they needed something to bridge their phones/tablets/and PCs together like OSX and iOS. the only thing is, their implementation of it was completely off base. i use a mac and home, and xp at work, so i'm comfortable with both, but this shit is just garbage in my opinion.

just to throw in an extra kick at the end, i have a friend who works at MS. he won't even let them install this on his machine at work. he's staying on windows 7.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i used XP until my computer broke for apprx. 10 yrs... got the new CPU with Windows 7 installed 2 yrs ago.. i havent seen anything super special to upgrade from what im currently using... i just dont know about u guys.. lol

da relic


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
I had a chance to use Windows 8 at Staples yesterday. It felt pretty responsive and quick, although I can see that people would have trouble with the new interface. I think with some adjusting, it could be useful. I only use a handful of programs, so having them all on the main scree would be nice. Switching to the 'desktop' was simple, so I don't really get why people are so upset haha. Anyways, I might cop it, but I'll wait a bit longer. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Im with Relic...I like 7 a lot. Ive played around with 8 several times but my first impression wasnt that great. At this point Im no longer concerned with having the latest os just because...I want whats been proved solid and thats 7 for me.


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
i will not switch before windows X hits the market. it's what they do, release a stable OS followed by two weak ones.

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