Work out / Health tip thread


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
There's SO much I can post but it would take quite a while and I'm not up to it right now, but here's some stuff I have to say:

Proper Form
I can't stress this enough - use proper form! I see so many people doing so many things wrong. One of the most basic exercises - barbell curls is done wrong. You need to bring the weight almost to the bottom then all the way up and hold and squeeze. I see many guys bring it down about half way but bring their elbows back, so their arms are essentially still in a curl position. Plus it tells me you're using too much weight.

Don't forget to also bend your knees. That goes for barbell curls too, but it applies to most exercises. As soon as you bend your knees, even slightly, you're taking a lot of pressure away from the lower back.

Bench press is another. Everyone thinks you just have to go up and down but it's more than that. Ever do a bench press and the next day your front delts are sore (shoulders)?

How To Bench Press
1. Lie down where your eyes are beneath the bar.
2. There are many grips you can use, but I find the best for me is just a bit wider than shoulder width.
3. Make sure to wrap your thumbs around the bar, don't try to be all cool n shit.
4. Lift off and bring the bar down to your mid-chest, not below or above, you're not doing decline or incline bench.
5. When you bring the bar down though, here's the trick to taking the shoulders out of the movement (somewhat): bring the bar down, but as you get to your chest, arch your back slightly and stick your chest up, bring your shoulders back, then when you push up, squeeze your chest and don't lock your arms out, stop just short of locking out, this keeps all the tension on the chest muscles.

One More Tip:
It REALLY helps when you concentrate. No matter which exercise you're doing, THINK of the muscle, I mean really THINK about it and focus on the muscle as you squeeze each rep. If you do this right, it will literally only take you one set to feel a great pump, trust me.

I could write a fucking book on this shit and sell it!


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Most guys want to focus only on the amount of weight they can move, but working the muscle is the key. So if you're stuck and not putting on much muscle, that could be an issue. Cut the weight you use in half and concentrate on working the muscle, but go SLOW. Slow enough that you can control the weight and hold the squeeze for 1-2 seconds. Keep doing that for a week and then increase the weight a bit. You'll notice that going slower with a lighter weight will work the muscle much better.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
And while you're not working still help with burning a few calories.....

you could do a marathon masturbation session..

Dude..I love jerking off after a workout to help me burn those extra calories.....


I love jerking off.

Check out that...I honestly feel if you do the exercises using your body weight only, along with a good'll be in awesome shape


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
And while you're not working still help with burning a few calories.....

you could do a marathon masturbation session..

Dude..I love jerking off after a workout to help me burn those extra calories.....


I love jerking off.

Check out that...I honestly feel if you do the exercises using your body weight only, along with a good'll be in awesome shape

this shit is funnie but holds true to an extent.


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