13 Reasons Why Recording an Album is a TERRIBLE IDEA!

And here is the other side

I remember my first job was putting fruits and vegetables on the shelves in supermarket, later on I moved to making tags for prices so the whole day I was walking around the shop with a scanner in my hand and all I heard through the entire day was **beep** **beep** **beep** of the scanner and freaking advertisements that were played on monitors in the shop. They were put on loop so each and every freaking day I was hearing the same music, the same commercials and the same freaking sound of that freaking scanner plus I was surrounded by idiots I was working with. :/ It felt like some kind of psychological torture I would say. It was the first and only time in my life when my mood dropped significantly and I needed something to escape.

Back then I was strongly into metal music and I was writing music for metal album. I wrote maybe 10 songs but I could never find people to work with on that material. Nevertheless, I can fully relate to the concept of music being a form of therapy as I used it for that purposes. And the example mentioned in that video perfectly suits the situation I was in. I remember the conversation between me and one of my workmates about things that we were going to do after work. I asked him what were his plans for the afternoon. He replied that he would come home and start drinking beer. I asked him whether that was his whole plan and he responded it was. Then he asked me what was my plan. I replied that I would come home, work out a bit, then I would work on my music or my stories (because I wrote stories and I still do write short stories, I struggle with finishing them though :D ). I would never forget his disbelief mixed with some kind of lack of understanding. It was like he couldn't comprehend that someone would want to make something more than just working in that shitty supermarket.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Totally man, it’s pretty telling as a society that using alcohol as an daily escape is normalized. But working your way out of a job you don’t like or creating art when you can is considered “weird” I literally can create more and do more in life then many of my peers simply because I drink substantially less then them.


Big Clit Energy
Totally man, it’s pretty telling as a society that using alcohol as an daily escape is normalized. But working your way out of a job you don’t like or creating art when you can is considered “weird” I literally can create more and do more in life then many of my peers simply because I drink substantially less then them.

It's 'cause society normalized binge drinking, excessive drug use, etc. when there is nothing inherently cool about being a slave to substance abuse.
Totally man, it’s pretty telling as a society that using alcohol as an daily escape is normalized. But working your way out of a job you don’t like or creating art when you can is considered “weird” I literally can create more and do more in life then many of my peers simply because I drink substantially less then them.
I have friends that are around my age but look 20 years older due to alcohol. My sisters liver is fucked due to alcohol.
Needless to say, I hardly drink alcohol any more. Stopped years ago.
It's 'cause society normalized binge drinking, excessive drug use, etc. when there is nothing inherently cool about being a slave to substance abuse.
binge drinking has been normal since we invented mead, alcohol diminishes our responsibility, so we make bad judgement calls.

DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
It's 'cause society normalized binge drinking, excessive drug use, etc. when there is nothing inherently cool about being a slave to substance abuse.
More and more ppl are getting mental health issues because of the way we live in this "modern" society. The thing is, that topic is still a no-go for most of us in this "modern" society. I think thats the main reason nowadays ppl are slangin drugs like there is no tomorrow. Self medication they call it to cope with their mental issues.
More and more ppl are getting mental health issues because of the way we live in this "modern" society. The thing is, that topic is still a no-go for most of us in this "modern" society. I think thats the main reason nowadays ppl are slangin drugs like there is no tomorrow. Self medication they call it to cope with their mental issues.
the current clown world is very damaging to our mental health. Isolation, draconian laws, leaders that blatantly lie to your face, even if you know full well they are lying. All msm batting for the same team, despite appearances. We are fucked, its a bit hard not to be depressed.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Humans have always looked for ways to escape reality. Hell music is escapism. But alcohol has zero health benefits whatsoever, the only positive I can see is that for a brief window of time it can be a social lubricant. Let’s also be honest it doesn’t even taste good. The cool thing is, once you can see how truly beautiful this existence and life is you don’t want to escape it. Right after my divorce I drank HARD for days on end. Like 3 750’s in a weekend hard, and I don’t think I would trade that experience but I realized just how completely destructive it was. I would get drunk and write notes to myself in my phone about how dumb drinking was and to remind my sober self not to do it. It was a trip. As Ogbama said there is nothing cool about addiction.

I look around and see my friends that I drank hard with and see how alcohol has its teeth in them and how they are slowly dying everyday because of it. It makes me so sad. These are beautiful humans. Alcohol is also an awful drug because you can’t tell that it’s getting it’s hooks in you until it’s to late. It’s awful. Thank god I got out in time. Where weed is mostly harmless but still illegal in most of the US.

Im so glad you guys brought up mental health issues. It’s great that discussing mental health is becoming increasingly de stigmatized. If you break your arm you go to the doctor and everyone signs your cast and it’s a wonderful thing. But if your brain is producing the wrong chemicals then people get all weird. It sucks. Im not gonna go in to detail but I have substantial mental trauma in my past and I used music as my escape for years. It made me super productive because I wanted to escape all the time. Now that I’m in a better place in life I had to completely relearn my relationship with music because the escape part wasn’t needed anymore. Also I found that magic mushrooms and going on deep trips was very therapeutic to that trauma and I could examine my mind in ways you can’t in a normal state. There is extensive work being done using mushrooms to actually cure ptsd and alcoholism. This like weed is a natural plant that can do good things for your health unlike alcohol, yet both have been demonized. It’s too bad really. It’s has given me so much peace and perspective in life. Anyway I will stop rambling. Really good conversation.
Humans have always looked for ways to escape reality. Hell music is escapism. But alcohol has zero health benefits whatsoever, the only positive I can see is that for a brief window of time it can be a social lubricant.
Correction, there is almost no stimulants and things people use in order to escape that have some real benefits. :D I remember I had a very quick episode with work as a waiter. Basically, when I was 19 I had an accident on my way to work (yeah that first job I mentioned above) . I was going to the bus stop and my left lung collapsed out of nowhere. I didn't smoke cigarettes, didn't smoke weed or something, it just happened on itself. Later on I found out that I was not the only one with this type of injury at such young age. I was diagnosed with pneumothorax and within two months from that situation (having undergone surgery and rehabilitation at home) I was sent to rehabilitation center - or if this is a better word here - sanitarium (although I'm not sure whether this second term applies to mental health issues only). I felt kinda strange there because I was one of the youngest people there as in my country this type of facilities are visited mostly by elder people or people with serious chronic diseases. When I was there I met a guy who had been a bartender and a waiter for most of his career. He offered me a job as a waiter at the wedding. We frequently discussed a lot of things and one of them were stimulants of any kind. Back then I had aversion towards any kind of stimulants and I asked him what was the point of paying for something that either gives you a temporary pleasure/relief or just destroy you when at the end of the day it just leaves your body with excrements. And he responded that every kind of substance of this kind worked this way. And come to think about it it's true. Alcohol, narcotics (including weed, no matter whether you're supporter of it or not, it's psychoactive drug, like it or not), coffee (yes, coffee), playing video games, watching tv, watching porn or something these are all the things that only help you kill your time and escape reality.

Of course, I know that there is plenty of research that coffee helps you boost your brain performance a bit, video games help you keep your brain active and sometimes they are believed to slow down dementia among elder people or help improve your reflex. Also as you mentioned weed has been used in many forms of therapeutic purposes. I know it. But in most cases there are used just to kill the time and escape.

Let’s also be honest it doesn’t even taste good.
Depends :D There are some kinds of alcohol that are tasty but it's a subjective opinion of mine. :)

Im so glad you guys brought up mental health issues. It’s great that discussing mental health is becoming increasingly de stigmatized. If you break your arm you go to the doctor and everyone signs your cast and it’s a wonderful thing. But if your brain is producing the wrong chemicals then people get all weird. It sucks. Im not gonna go in to detail but I have substantial mental trauma in my past and I used music as my escape for years.
See this is a problem right now. More and more people suffer from many kinds of psychological disorders BUT sometimes most of them only claim to be sick just to get attention or something. Personally, I struggle a lot with accepting the fact that someone tells me that they have some weird thoughts or feelings etc. Because sometimes people exagerrate things. This whole depression thing that is so popular right now is also kind of irritating. Depression, and I'm talking here about serious mental issue, is a very dangerous illness but most people tend to overuse this term to describe even the slightest drop in their mood. This way you have teenagers who can't buy their favourite clothes or someting pretending that they are sick and depressed. Or people at work pretending that they have "mental issues" just to have some benefits at work or be treated in a different way. I've experienced it myself when I had to do twice or triple amount of work with my friend because one woman from our team always had some "problems". And unfortunately, there is no way to lay her off or something because I work at the corporation that is VERY VERY leftist and "tolerant". :poop::poop::poop::blackeye:

Also when someone tells me this kind of stuff it's very annoying when I tell them to go to see a doctor and they reply "And what is he going to do about it? He will not be able to help me". I mean WHAT THE FUCK?! How the hell am I suppose to know how the psychiatrist is going to help you if I have very little knowledge about it. I just try to help you find some kind of solution to your issue. Go and see him and you will see. It's very exhausting to me. Personally, I am very strong minded person and this is not my opinion. I went to a therapy in 2018 because I wanted to consult a little problem that later on revealed itself to be no problem at all. After a few sessions my therapist told me that she had never met a person with such high level of self-control and strong mind. I've been through a lot of bad things in my life, bad childhood and very difficult start of my adult life but I never had a time to "be depressed" or even think about myself in this way. I had many problems that I had to overcome and I didn't hide myself under "depression cloak" or "mental illness cloak" but fought back. And this is the reason why I very struggle with understanding people who tell me "You know I've been having this type of thoughts recently, I don't know what to do about it etc". It's very discomforting for me. I try to be supportive but I truly don't know how to handle this type of situations. I know that patience is the key here but my patience also has limits. :/

Also as I mentioned, times we're living in don't help at all as a lot of people are very weak minded so these types of issues will be seen more and more frequently. :(
Also I found that magic mushrooms and going on deep trips was very therapeutic to that trauma and I could examine my mind in ways you can’t in a normal state. There is extensive work being done using mushrooms to actually cure ptsd and alcoholism. This like weed is a natural plant that can do good things for your health unlike alcohol, yet both have been demonized. It’s too bad really. It’s has given me so much peace and perspective in life. Anyway I will stop rambling. Really good conversation.
Are you referring to ayahuasca here?
Also to that alcohol thing, I agree that every kind of addiction is bad. But alcohol just like everything else can be consumed in moderation and there's nothing wrong about it.


:LOL::LOL::LOL: I just dissed myself. :D

DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
Also when someone tells me this kind of stuff it's very annoying when I tell them to go to see a doctor and they reply "And what is he going to do about it? He will not be able to help me". I mean WHAT THE FUCK?! How the hell am I suppose to know how the psychiatrist is going to help you if I have very little knowledge about it. I just try to help you find some kind of solution to your issue. Go and see him and you will see. It's very exhausting to me. Personally, I am very strong minded person and this is not my opinion. I went to a therapy in 2018 because I wanted to consult a little problem that later on revealed itself to be no problem at all. After a few sessions my therapist told me that she had never met a person with such high level of self-control and strong mind. I've been through a lot of bad things in my life, bad childhood and very difficult start of my adult life but I never had a time to "be depressed" or even think about myself in this way. I had many problems that I had to overcome and I didn't hide myself under "depression cloak" or "mental illness cloak" but fought back. And this is the reason why I very struggle with understanding people who tell me "You know I've been having this type of thoughts recently, I don't know what to do about it etc". It's very discomforting for me. I try to be supportive but I truly don't know how to handle this type of situations. I know that patience is the key here but my patience also has limits. :/

Also as I mentioned, times we're living in don't help at all as a lot of people are very weak minded so these types of issues will be seen more and more frequently. :(
This part is, where you re very wrong. Weak-minded people dont hide behind mental issues, they hide behind their egos.
Of course its easy not to deal with any mental issues when you take the narcissistic path and focus only on yourself.

I really dont want to bash on anyone, but stating you get exhausted by others bullshit, which i can understand, while ppl like me for example are used as emotional trash bins and still keep going, you re the weak-minded in this case. No hate.
This part is, where you re very wrong. Weak-minded people dont hide behind mental issues, they hide behind their egos.
Of course its easy not to deal with any mental issues when you take the narcissistic path and focus only on yourself.

I really dont want to bash on anyone, but stating you get exhausted by others bullshit, which i can understand, while ppl like me for example are used as emotional trash bins and still keep going, you re the weak-minded in this case. No hate.
If you want to dive in someone's negativity or their bad situation they found themselves in instead of focusing on yourself or your closest people it's entirely your choice. Maybe you should have become a psychologist or psychiatrist if you like listening about people's problems so much. But I'm not going to babysit adults who are solely responsible for their lives. As I mentioned, I've been through some bad things in my life and nobody helped me with handling them. I had to resolve them or endure them on my own. Just like everybody else I have enough things to deal with in my personal life and there are people who help with mental issues professionally. I'm not and I will never be one of them and this is why I struggle with talking about this type of things let's say with my coworkers. I can try to help my friends or family but I'm not going to be a an emotional trash bin for everybody's negativity as you put it. Once again, if someone has an issue with something, they should see a specialist not to try to be a burden for someone else.

Like it or don't like it, call me a narcissist or asshole, I don't really care. This is just my approach.

DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
If you want to dive in someone's negativity or their bad situation they found themselves in instead of focusing on yourself or your closest people it's entirely your choice. Maybe you should have become a psychologist or psychiatrist if you like listening about people's problems so much. But I'm not going to babysit adults who are solely responsible for their lives. As I mentioned, I've been through some bad things in my life and nobody helped me with handling them. I had to resolve them or endure them on my own. Just like everybody else I have enough things to deal with in my personal life and there are people who help with mental issues professionally. I'm not and I will never be one of them and this is why I struggle with talking about this type of things let's say with my coworkers. I can try to help my friends or family but I'm not going to be a an emotional trash bin for everybody's negativity as you put it. Once again, if someone has an issue with something, they should see a specialist not to try to be a burden for someone else.

Like it or don't like it, call me a narcissist or asshole, I don't really care. This is just my approach.

Dont get me wrong, im not calling you an asshole, but you re saying the same stuff as every self-fixated person i met in my life, "my past was hard, nobody helped me, i did on my own" and i believe you that. BUT, and theres my problem with self-fixated people, what has been hard for you, does not automatically mean its hard for everyone else, you project from yourself on everything else around you, that is narcissistic.

"I did XYZ, why dont you?" "I can do XYZ, why cant you?"

Nobody forces you to babysit anyone, my only problem with your text was, that you called people weak-minded, that certainly are not.

You see, our society system is not healthy for natural human behaviour, believe it or not, and there are people who just accept their fate or just even do not realize they' re trapped. People who do, get sick, kill themselves and so on.
And psychologists do NOT help people, they force them back into that unhealthy system through medication and brainwash.

As i said, no hate, no front. My only problem was that you judge people without even having a grasp whats going on. What you do is totally up to you.
But as you re free to spread your opinion, so am i.

I had therapy sessions, i realized they re not interested in your mental health, they want you back in the slave state ASAP. Just do what you re told and dont you dare to ask any important questions. Thats why i studied this topic on my own and holy shit, we as humanity aint healthy from a mental point of view. Sorry to burst the bubble here.
Dont get me wrong, im not calling you an asshole, but you re saying the same stuff as every self-fixated person i met in my life, "my past was hard, nobody helped me, i did on my own" and i believe you that. BUT, and theres my problem with self-fixated people, what has been hard for you, does not automatically mean its hard for everyone else, you project from yourself on everything else around you, that is narcissistic.

"I did XYZ, why dont you?" "I can do XYZ, why cant you?"

Nobody forces you to babysit anyone, my only problem with your text was, that you called people weak-minded, that certainly are not.
Yeah, maybe it was a bit short-sighted statement from my side. I give you that.

You see, our society system is not healthy for natural human behaviour, believe it or not, and there are people who just accept their fate or just even do not realize they' re trapped. People who do, get sick, kill themselves and so on.
And psychologists do NOT help people, they force them back into that unhealthy system through medication and brainwash.

I had therapy sessions, i realized they re not interested in your mental health, they want you back in the slave state ASAP. Just do what you re told and dont you dare to ask any important questions.
What do you mean by 'slave state'?

Thats why i studied this topic on my own and holy shit, we as humanity aint healthy from a mental point of view. Sorry to burst the bubble here.
Personally, I'm also interested in how human psychology works but personally, I studied mainly mechanisms of addiction as it was the most interesting topic for me.

If you know some books that you can recommend or websites about the things you're describing I will be grateful if you could do it for me. :)

DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
What do you mean by 'slave state'?

Personally, I'm also interested in how human psychology works but personally, I studied mainly mechanisms of addiction as it was the most interesting topic for me.

If you know some books that you can recommend or websites about the things you're describing I will be grateful if you could do it for me. :)
To the "slave state", sorry for bringing in a counter-question, but, are you free? If so, tell me how.

For the "studies" i did, which were mostly observations of the real life plus the interactions with many different people(i was in a sanatory too xd), i used books/texts about profiling for the most part. Which kinda built the base for me for stuff to pay attention to, everything else is kinda self-taught through life itself. Im just someone who cant stop thinking.
To the "slave state", sorry for bringing in a counter-question, but, are you free? If so, tell me how.
Very philosophical question as freedom can be understood differently by different people and I'm definitely not smart enough to answer this question correctly XDDD. I will try though. I have my personal obligations as everybody that I need to fulfill like going to work, paying bills, buying food etc. All of these things can be interpreted as limitations or making you slave but that's how society works. You have to work to earn money to buy food and to pay for certain things. In my opinion this is normal course of action. However, nobody's forcing me to stay at the job that I don't like or at the one that gives me very little opportunities to develop myself or even to work in my country. Of course I'm dependent as everybody on the governmental decisions but at the moment I can leave my country at anytime I want and start living in a different country with better economic system etc. I can switch jobs, I can start my own business if I want. Nobody's forcing me to stay in Poland but starting a business in my country is a foolish idea. I can learn new things, I can go outside, meet with my friends, develop my passions etc. So in this sense I would say that I am free. But freedom is a different thing for everybody. As I mentioned for someone going to work is part of "slave system". So it depends what you understand by "being free" in my opinion. I hope I understood your question correctly but I'm almost more than sure that your answer would be far different from mine.

i was in a sanatory too xd)
Well, I was in sanatorium but it was associated with my lung not my brain xD. That is why I wrote rehabilitation center in the first place as it had nothing to do with any form of psychological treatment. So kinda different situation.

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