2008 Election Updates

  • beat this! voting starts in...


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
That's where you need to step in and put them in check. BADOW!

Seriously People like you I can get along with. But people who are ignorant like that I kinda kock my head to the side with a baffeled look of confusion.

I'm a Christian myself actually...lol. That is how I seen what they were saying... it's actually quite embarrassing to me when people come off like that. I don't really know what to say to them..... I"m a non confrontational person for the most part, so really I don't feel like wasting my breath on trying to change someones mind who is set a certain way. They will get theirs in the end..


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304

Obama didn't just win, either...

He beat McCain's ass....

Did you see the results from DC?

McCain lost by a shitload....

For Obama to win the swing states, is remarkable...

Pennsylvania was huge.......His ability to inspire and motivate captivated the American people.....I hope he can inspire a country to improve the current situation.....We'll see what he does in the first 100 days....

A lot of these states weere very close...that's why it's very important to get out and vote..... I would like to shake Obama's hand and truly congratulate him...

McCain's cessesion speech was very very classy......It would've been close if he ran the same way....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Im real emotinal right now.. i cant even front...

word. I can't front either.

I can truly say that I am "almost" proud to be an American

me too bro, me too.

First off, I didn't support this man. Not because of him per say, but because I don't hold the views the Democratic party. With that being said, we as Americans need to focus. We have a new president whether some like it or not. And we need to support our president. Support our country. I heard some people say that Obama will not truly change anything, and they are right. WE NEED TO HELP HIM. I think the last 8 years drained the American citizens mentally as well as financially and it is our DUTY to keep this President focused. Thats why this country is great. Bush shit all over us and we stood there and said, "Ahhh." (okay that was nasty) But yall get the point. I think history was made and we need to keep making history.

I respect the Obama supporters that was there from day one and now you, me and the rest of our country need to show our worth. Keep the support strong. One man can't make change, but "We the people,," will. Right now I am asking some of you to help me out. After last night I feel inspired again. So this is what I plan to do. I want to pass a petition on to my state representatives t eliminate the electoral vote. Pennsylvania already started this and there are many other states getting involved. With the electoral vote is what kept Bush around for eight years and what the Neo Cons hiding within the Republican party will use to get Obama out. Regardless, the popular vote needs to count! Anyone interested can respond. I will handle all the info for your states. I will draw up letters and mail them. I'm starting to think I lost my job for aq reason and now I have more time to focus on what jobs were basically created for: to keep us from doing anything at all. Let's take our country back...

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
I got choked up when I saw him and his family emerge on stage to give his acceptance speech. I never thought I'd see the day.

on a lighter note....why did they have to show the "afterparty" in the streets of Harlem? I was cringing....like "nooooooo..,,they gonna ruin it for everybody"...anyone see that nigga that made hand guns and was like "buck buck for Obama"..........fuckin hilarious yo. Another mafucka was doin the running man and all dem had champaign glasses out in the street. I was praying they took the camera off of em....lol.

but seriously.....we should all be proud to be American. This shows that we've come along way when Obama took states like Ohio, Virginia and Florida. I just hope that people will have enough patience to let the man do his thing. Change is gonna take time. I'm just glad that the majority of this country realized regardless of color, Obama was our best chance to strive.

I am proud to be American right now!


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
It feels good to be American today.

First, I am completely thrilled that people turned out in record #s (80%) to vote in this election. People died in order to give us the right to vote, and I find it infuriating when people don't even bother to walk down the block to engage in the democratic process.

Second, I am glad Obama won the necessary electoral votes to be the 44th President. I agree with Stress that the Electoral College should be destroyed, it's a national election, therefore it should be based on the popular vote, not state by state.

Third, after two years of being skeptical, of thinking that the system would not let Obama become President, I am thrilled that Obama will be the President on January 20th, 2009. I had to bite my tongue for two years, I didn't want to jinx anything, I knocked on wood about three hundred times, now finally, instead of saying "Obama's going to win it", I can say "Obama won it!".

Now for the hard work - the country is fucked up - two wars, economy sinking, etc. I am hopeful that people will donate their time and energy to bring this country up to realize it's great potential.

I'm excited for the next four years, as someone who appreciates great speakers and speeches, I think Obama is one of the great orators of all time. Today is an exciting day for our World.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21

Yo Ominous....what did he called out on?

You see last night.... Jesse was crying his ass off. A lot of it was the obvious. A life dedicated to equal rights for black people. Jesse has done so much for the cause of improving America. And then seeing something you have fought so hard for come to light. It is very moving.

But there are some that see some other meanings in his tears. When he made that and many other comments against Obama, on top of finding out he fathered children out of wedlock, it was like his career came apart. Even his own son came out and questioned his father's wisdom. All the work he did for Black people... and he is going to down in history as saying some of the most messed up stuff about the 1st Black President.

You can say, maybe some of his tears were tears of REGRET.

Also.... what he is trying to say, about Obama talking down to Black People, is something a lot of prominent Black People have been saying. Think of it like this...

You know how you had some McCain supporters who didn't like Obama simply on the principle that this is a white man's world and the white house is just that... the WHITE house? Well you have some black people who will not let go of the idea that white people are holding black people down. But with a Black President, it is hard to make that argument today. Obama's message is, if you don't commit crime, get an education and work hard, nothing can stop you from becoming what you want to be. But people like Jesse don't like that message because it doesn't acknowledge the unfair obstacles black people face.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I agree with Stress that the Electoral College should be destroyed, it's a national election, therefore it should be based on the popular vote, not state by state.
Dude, ive been saying this for a hot minute now! Totally agree.

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
YouTube - Jesse Jackson on Obama: 'Wanna Cut His Nuts Off"

You see last night.... Jesse was crying his ass off. A lot of it was the obvious. A life dedicated to equal rights for black people. Jesse has done so much for the cause of improving America. And then seeing something you have fought so hard for come to light. It is very moving.

But there are some that see some other meanings in his tears. When he made that and many other comments against Obama, on top of finding out he fathered children out of wedlock, it was like his career came apart. Even his own son came out and questioned his father's wisdom. All the work he did for Black people... and he is going to down in history as saying some of the most messed up stuff about the 1st Black President.

You can say, maybe some of his tears were tears of REGRET.

didn't see your commentary under the youtube post.....Yeah I was thinkin the same thing. Rev Jackson gets the gas face for attempting to play if off like tears of joy....even though that was prolly the main reason for his emotional outburst...the fact that he said some ugly things about Obama disqualifies him from being part of the celebration.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Mr Jackson often finds himself on the wrong side of an argument.
Beyond his "I am somebody " speech I cant think of too much he does that has been or is all that relevant.
Thats true of most all the guys that were standing next to King when he was killed.
They sorta took that and ran with it for their own personal gain more so than what Dr. King was doing.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
Thats true of most all the guys that were standing next to King when he was killed.
Thats why Jesse will always get a pass...Look of course he's made an ass of himself from time to time...but Jesse was in the trenches back in the day....I mean standing next to your homeboy when they get killed can caused PTSD in some soldiers in a combat setting...its no telling how bad mentally he was affected by that...no telling what was going thruogh his mind last night...but now he can just fall back and enjoy what he helped occur.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
gimme a fuckin' break. i've been a jj critic for a long ass time but if you're gonna question his genuine feelings of finally seeing a black man get elected, which by the way isn't an affirmation of this so called post-racial society, than you truly have no idea of how much those of his time have fought and suffered, most of which can never be quantified.

why shouldn't he be happy? because he didn't back obama 100% lock step? at least he didn't dump a turd in the punch like tavis smiley (who i've liked but is still butthurt that no one came to his town hall or whatever) within hours of obama, excuse me, president-elect obama winning.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Jackson said of Obama: "that nigga don't even like black people....I wanna chop his nuts off...." or something pretty close to that. WTF?!?!

WTF? Exactly. Then Nov 4th.... He's crying. Makes you wonder. Is he proud a Black man made it? Or is that regret and jealousy? Some say his anger is similar to Bill Clinton's. He wishes Hillary won and gets to be the one with a chance to fix our country. It could be, Jackson wishes he was the first Black President.