Does wealth make you special?


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
"When people use credit the economy is fine, when people stop, our economy struggles."

Totally disagree, our economy is struggling BECAUSE of to much debt. Way to many people in over there heads in it. If we got our national savings up from negative and everyone paid cash our economy would thrive!


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
"When people use credit the economy is fine, when people stop, our economy struggles."

Totally disagree, our economy is struggling BECAUSE of to much debt. Way to many people in over there heads in it. If we got our national savings up from negative and everyone paid cash our economy would thrive!

For once I agree with you..

I believe it was the Republicans that started the whole deficit spending thing though.
I dont recall what party canceled gold as thing money was tied to, but that might have been the jump off as well.

I would prolly be an ass if I got 100 million over night.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Nixon ended the gold standard and Regan did the borrow and spend thing and made it seem OK to be in debt, but Clinton is who screwed up the housing market and helped start the current market problems. I blame those three for the current problems.



Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
This is a bit off subject but those of you that say money wouldnt change you are in denial. There is NO way on earth that your bank account can go from $100 to $100000000 and it not change you unless you are paralyzed with no next of kin or a good friend. It may not change SOME of your beliefs or morals (notice I said "some") but it will change almost every other aspect of your life.

If you think differently, you're only fooling yourself. The system is made for financial make money, and you give it back with interest. The entire economy depends on this. Our economy is controled by credit companies. When people use credit the economy is fine, when people stop, our economy struggles. Even americas' deficit is based on credit.

So how do they do it? Anything that you MUST have is going to cost you more than the original price. Homes, Cars, gas, and food are just the beginning. The ONLY exception to this is being rich enough to pay for everything that you MUST have with cash. With cash you get "deals", you get treated "special" because you ARE "special", you dont live by the same rules or criteria that everyone else lives.

Money changes you! It cant be avoided. With wealth, doors that you didnt even know existed open for you like walking up to a Macys entrance. You are rich, you have nothing to lose, come on in and spend, spend, spend. Its all about taking your money and making you feel good about spending it. Name one store or establishment that will not open for you at 4am on Christmas Day if you guaranteed them that you were gonna spend a million bucks before you left.

Thats too much for even you humble cats that swear that money wont change you to

of course your forced to change when people start harassing you for stuff they have never harrassed you about before but as far as money makin you feel special just because you have it is just arrogance. I would change my address and my car and shit but I would not feel that I'm better than anyone else...say for instance you are a big billionaire and and your dick goes will be one depressed billionaire until you pay enough money to get your shit fixed or until your Viagra comes in. What good is all the money in the world when you cant enjoy life....oh yeah its a scientific fact that it is healthy for men to bust atleast 3 nuts a


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
This is getting a political swing lol, i could drop in some "conspiracies" (take it how you want).

Nixon reagan about frank carlucci and government investments and how a company like carlyle has had a grip on your economy. The 4 are good friends because of your wallet, capitalism applaudes them for globalism and you can thank them for your current GNP ( ergo, it'll take more than 1000 years and your future kids grandkids to get the National Savings up to par. Not to mention a free war on terrorism which was pretty much tax money well spend... into skull&bones, i guess a few visitors at AICAP and some next of kin Merovingian with some help of the saudi arab investors (like the bin ladens).

Clinton btw, left bush a 256 billion surplus dedicated to lower the national debt. The bad thing was that clintons experts had a much to positive future prospect on the resolving the national debt (5.6 trillion).

Its a system, it works and has been working since hmm before WWII due to the likes of Roosevelt. Its a system that adapts (hmm why did carlyle do heavy investments in china and then cleared the company..hmmm...).

You're getting your asses robbed and if you wonder how other people do it...

its luck..try being an entrepeneur, some people re-invent the wheel and some dont. Start a business, work hard, make huge effort and you might make bucks but chances are you will not (dutch stats on new businesses has a 90% fail with best business plans and bank might start wondering how many of them are THAT profitable to be THAT rich).

15%'ers, anyone remember that ?


ill o.g.
like previously stated, we are all equal. a person with great material wealth, tends to attract exactly that. more material wealth. most religions have writings about such things warning a person not to let that change them, as a lot of people take to disregard their simple basic needs, and go hunting for happiness in the land of consumerism

and by the way, anyone ever look at the model the most successful people follow? they might have all that shit, but they dont flash it off, they still dress just as shitty as day 1, and they still have the same respect for people in general.
now into the world of music... how many once "great" artists turned out shitty once they got a pile of money? lotta that shit doesnt sound like its got much to it after they blow up the books, cause theyre too busy with their new shit to take little things as seriously

bottom line for me... wealth doesnt make you "special" to anybody, but those envious of your possessions, or those looking to profit off of your image.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
"its luck..try being an entrepeneur, some people re-invent the wheel and some dont. Start a business, work hard, make huge effort and you might make bucks but chances are you will not (dutch stats on new businesses has a 90% fail with best business plans and bank might start wondering how many of them are THAT profitable to be THAT rich)."

This is just wrong, more than 50% of business are still around after the first five years. 90% of all franchises are still around after the first five years. The problem with all the government business statistics you hear is that they have no tax classification for some things. For example lets say I run a lawn care business and have been successful for a few years but competition is getting fierce I may change the lawn care business in to a custom landscape niche company, now I am making more money because what I am doing has less competition but according to the tax man the first business is gone. Even though I am more successful and making more money. They just don't have a tax classification for that. So you get the "Over 50% of all new business fail" Really think about that, it is simply not true.

Also think about the people you know who are destitute vs the people you know who are wealthy. More often than not the wealthy person owns his own business and the destitute is unemployed or working for someone else. Business is not a "Magic Bullet" to wealth but it is also not just luck of the draw.

Also LMAO at the bust a nut comment!


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
^^^ I meant in the netherlands, the us has an advantage due to the size of the country/ simply appeal to a much bigger consumer. Franchises ofc, you buy your way into a formula but aside from those. I have no clue about the rate in the US but what i meant is that even if you run your own business, it wont imply you'll have a sureshot in becoming filthy rich. I'd assume most people still need to work their asses off and a few lucky ones get rich enough. I mean filthy your time to spend money.

In regards to lawn business example, aside from an LLC, what company structure could give you that know what it costs to setup an LLC through an accountancy (aside from foreign based head offices like the dutch antilles with their 6% corporate tax brackets lol).


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Chris and all those that agree with him, this may change your mind on "what determines our economy". Check it out for yourself, its rather vague but you can do the math...Im in this business bro, I can tell you first hand through experience.

Ive been buying, renting and selling houses since 2003. Im not in real estate, Im an investor, I deal with credit agencies almost on a daily basis.

and heres a better one, if the first isnt clear enough...



A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
So let me get this straight, you are saying that if Americans had a positive savings and less debt that would be bad? You do know our economy did not function on debt until that last 30 years and to quote your own article

"Consumer debt in conjunction with a housing bust is simply the nut that inflationists cannot crack. There just is no plausible scenario under which the government would bail out consumers at the expense of banks and creditors. The Bankruptcy Reform Act should be proof enough of that statement."

Sorry being in debt is not good period and it hurts the economy in the long term maybe it can give it a shot in the arm for a few years and image how good the economy would be if no one filed for bankruptcy, could pay all there bills, did not have car payments etc.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
"When people use credit the economy is fine, when people stop, our economy struggles."

Totally disagree, our economy is struggling BECAUSE of to much debt. Way to many people in over there heads in it. If we got our national savings up from negative and everyone paid cash our economy would thrive!

Get this straight...This is what Im refering to..."When people use credit the economy is fine, when people stop, our economy struggles." You disagreed...In that statement it clearly says "When people use credit the economy is good..." I didnt say anything about debt being good but if you want to look at it that way then sobeit! Being in-debt and using credit are two different things. Creditors loan money to make money thats it. In return, interest rates drop, they reinvest and all is good. When people stop using credit, the credit agencies suffer and everything that they use money in suffers with them. Heres the kicker, their own rules is whats killing them but guess who suffers in the end?

Get it?



Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I think you got confused when I said "when people are in debt the economy is good..." but you thought I meant broke or couldnt pay their debts. Thats not what I was saying, If you got 2 gran in the bank and charge $200 on a credit card, you are in debt to the credit agency until you pay that debt off, thats what I was saying.

Bankruptcy only comes into play when you cant pay your bills. Two different things.



A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
got ya dacalion

I think we did miscommunicate a bit, sorry about that. It does take credit card companies/banks making interest to make money, true. But I would still say it was not always like that. It used to be horrible when someone had a mortgage. Bank made money in other ways. An economy built on debt is not sustainable.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Yes Relic! You got it! Now you know a big portion of whats wrong with our economy. I agree with you on how obsurb it is that our "system" sets us up. Heres the scary thing in my opinion, these same financial institutions would actually be in the same place if everyone was doing good enough not to need credit. This is a sign of what happens when our goverment relies on outsiders to handle the most important factors of our economy. Its very sickening. Eventually this "system" will fail and the consumers will suffer the most.

Yes DP, I agree, I feel that the Fed Gov slowly allowed this to happen, gradually giving private interprises bigger pieces of the pie (so to speak) and now they have more than they can handle. You can bet that there is somebody privately watching and forecasting when it will all fail and they will be there to cash in with a solution to all the mess. Its the American


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