Earthquake/Tsunami hits Japan


ill o.g.
some chick on my facebook from bay area made a comment about how they packed up and evacuated with their dogs as soon as they heard about a possible tsunami warning for the coast

then she went on to compare it to hurricane katrina sayin stuff like " those people left their family behind and we brought our DOGS "

people blow me away sometimes


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
^Lol.. I couldn't help but laugh @ that...

Being that she lives in the Bay Area...she knows nothing about what those people did during Katrina... Katrina, there was no warning that the levees would break. And she's an idiot.

Plus she had ample time to prepare for a Tsunami...the people in Japan had very little time.

You need to remove her as a friend, because she's ignorant and condescending.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Not taking away from what this thread is about, but what trips me out is how our country can be sooo compassionate when a natural disaster strikes another country but we turn our heads at something as simple as gay issues or racial hatred in our own country.


ill o.g.
Because bigotry is an idea, a mindset. Changing a mindset, without brainwashing, is probably the hardest task to do. Killing an idea is impossible, unless you just eradicate every person that has adopted it.

Even if you could change some of it and destroy some of it. How could you check? Relief from a natural disaster is something that can be change with physical efforts and can be tracked easily since progress is tangible.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
^ HAARP is used for missile defense....Not to start natural disasters!!

I donated $10 to the red cross via my phone.....But going back to Katrina, I wonder if they (or anyone else) donated to help the victims of Katrina....I don't know because I'm not there.... But I didn't hear anything about other countries helping us out.....including the Japanese. But as I stated, I really don't know..

We're called on always to help other need.....Our country keeps getting looked at to intervene in the Libyan situation. I personally think that with all the aid they've given to other countries, they can do here and help our own people. It sometimes saddens me that the US's interests aren't even their own people but the citizens of a fellow country...

My hearts and prayers go out to those in Japan, I have friends that live there now and it's a sad situation......


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
^ HAARP is used for missile defense....Not to start natural disasters!!

I donated $10 to the red cross via my phone.....But going back to Katrina, I wonder if they (or anyone else) donated to help the victims of Katrina....I don't know because I'm not there.... But I didn't hear anything about other countries helping us out.....including the Japanese. But as I stated, I really don't know..

We're called on always to help other need.....Our country keeps getting looked at to intervene in the Libyan situation. I personally think that with all the aid they've given to other countries, they can do here and help our own people. It sometimes saddens me that the US's interests aren't even their own people but the citizens of a fellow country...

My hearts and prayers go out to those in Japan, I have friends that live there now and it's a sad situation......
just because you didn't hear about it, doesn't mean it didn't happen, because it did. same goes for 9/11. blame your shitty corporate media for not informing you.

you're house repubs are doing their best to fuck with you in their war on the poor, women, POC's, middle class, environment, immigrants, lgbt, muslim,...hell, common sense. so helping your own is an everyday political thing that is not the same as disaster relief or private citizens inspired to donate

as far as libya, it's a un operation with france and the uk taking the lead.

peoples first instinct around the world is to donate during the height of crisis. there are problems with that, in that once it's no longer in the news cycle the need is still there, as well as, the other places and people that need help but aren't making headlines. they ain't winning like crackhead charlie sheen.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
(JMO) The "media" only cares about "the media". They aren't concerned with what happened yesterday. They take pride in bringing and twisting it's new "NEWS" so that they can keep their ratings up and so on...I'm sure that there's a personal sense of moral satisfaction with some networks when covering stories like Japan. Understanding their goals, motives and intentions will definitely reveal their true face. Ideally, it would be great if our media would continually update us on what happened yesterday but breaking news simply doesn't allow it to happen. Of those people that donated $10 through the Red Cross, most won't donate again, most feel satisfied in doing what they did, they have a sense of relief for doing their part BUT, in reality, we know it's only a drop in the bucket (money wise). So once we have donated and felt that satisfaction of "I did my part", it's no longer a need for the media to talk about it so it kinda just dies out.

On the other hand, the Red Cross and the Japanese people that are lucky enough to get aide are grateful for what has been done. So it's kinda like the half glass of water scenario, but instead of the question being...Is it half full or half empty? The question is...Is SOME help better than NO help? and thats where the media gets its moral satisfaction, they covered the story and made us aware. Now it's up to us remain updated on what is going on. Just My Opinion.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Some help is better than no help....... I always said if everyone in Orlando put in two dollars into something, that would make enough money to support a boys and girls club for a couple could build some low income housing for people who don't have money for a could get homeless people off the streets..

Yes my donation was a drop in the bucket, but if there are enough drops, the bucket slowly fills. But I'd rather do that than do nothing at all......I've donated a lot out here, because it sucks to not have. I've delivered turkeys to poor families, I've provided for toy drives and food drives....Yeah..I might help one family, but if 50 people helped..that's 50 families...that's a lot of families....

I wasn't saying that the others didn't donate...just that I didn't hear about it....but if they did, then that's great........But we still need to take care of our people...because as much as people may not think so.....the people (including children) living out on the streets is pretty disastrous to me.....some chose their path...many just need help and can't get that help....

At the end of the day....I always say give back...whether it's 10 cents or 20 dollars.... if everyone contributes what they can...a lot of people will benefit.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304


Mad Beats, No Angry Vegetables
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 10
first step to saving our planet... The only way for us to not completely kill off our whole species ( and every other living thing ) with pollution/ chemicals, war , etc on top of depleting every resource this planets given to us is a genocide...fuk people.