Happy Birthday to me, mufuckas!


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
Heh. Damn you guys are wild...

Thanks people. Much appreciated. Aside from my mom, and a friend of mine, no one else remembered it was my birthday. It's all good... I got my illmuzik birthday cake, so I'm straight.

Normally, I'd be having a lil' bit to drink right about now. Fuck that though. When I finally DID stop throwing up at work, it wasn't anything nice. Only drinks I'ma be throwing back tonight are anti-nausea related. (Hah... way earlier today, I was laying down at work, all delirious and shit, and you know how you wanna sometimes associate a music or beat to different emotions you have or whatever? Well I made an imaginary "nausea" beat... it was crazy. I might actually make it tomorrow)

Oh, and if anyone ever tells you anything about "Morning Glory Seeds" or anything, WHATEVER they say, laugh at them. Hard. And do not listen to their advice. It sucks.

Trust me.