How Do You Deal with School and BeatMaking?


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
yo check it out! here's the recipe for success:

rule 1: never work on beatmaking till your homework is finished.
this might create a reality where you do not have timew to work on projects for 2-4 days but don't jack up rule number 1.

so that's basically all the rules.. but the cool thing is that while you are working on homework you are constantly thinking of music.. so whenyou have time you already know what your going to do. I will cut samples though while im "relaxing" for 20 minutes after work before the homework ect.. if you spend very little time cutting and then have to wait a few days then in your mind you already know what/how your going to use them in your mind. Every Producer and Rappers(uck i hate despise them) must learn how to organze patterns in their mind and my golden Chrono Rule 1 sets this brain activity up for success.

I work 40 hours a week and am taking College Algebra, Biotechnology and Nanoelectronics and only have about 3 hours of full time to either make the beat, write the lyrics, or jack off.. and lets just say Chrono hasn't been roughing up his suspect lately

gl mate


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
Chrono said:
yo check it out! here's the recipe for success:

rule 1: never work on beatmaking till your homework is finished.
this might create a reality where you do not have timew to work on projects for 2-4 days but don't jack up rule number 1.

so that's basically all the rules.. but the cool thing is that while you are working on homework you are constantly thinking of music.. so whenyou have time you already know what your going to do. I will cut samples though while im "relaxing" for 20 minutes after work before the homework ect.. if you spend very little time cutting and then have to wait a few days then in your mind you already know what/how your going to use them in your mind. Every Producer and Rappers(uck i hate despise them) must learn how to organze patterns in their mind and my golden Chrono Rule 1 sets this brain activity up for success.

I work 40 hours a week and am taking College Algebra, Biotechnology and Nanoelectronics and only have about 3 hours of full time to either make the beat, write the lyrics, or jack off.. and lets just say Chrono hasn't been roughing up his suspect lately

gl mate

I feel you on that. but the thing is like Beatz said, that free time you have won't necessarily come at a time where you are in your zone. That's what's annoying.

Thx you all, I can always count on my illmuzik peep from some advice


ill o.g.
Its all in how bad you want it. I got a job I gotta commute to. That's 11 hours out of every day, five days a week. I got a needy ass wife, a two year old, a six week old baby, and my 12 year old niece lives with me, she was abused and abandoned by her mom and raped by mom's boyfriend. And she acts all that shit out on a daily basis. All you got is school? Shiiiddd...

Ain't shit stopping my grind. I still get in the lab. I still get out and network. I'm still makin mixtapes. You just gotta manage your shit. I get a good nights rest maybe twice a week. And I'm cool with that.

I wish I had your problem dog. When I was in school I was fuckin around with beats but I ain't get serious until after I graduated. I wish dude. I wish.


ill o.g.
I haven't slept more than 4 hours (other than when I go out on weekends and get wasted and end up sleeping in), in about 6 years. If it's really important to you, it is possible to make time. At one point I used to practice in my basement until 3am, then chill out till like 5 and skip my first class to sleep. I wouldn't recommend this if you can't handle it academically, but stay in school no matter what.

DJ Xsinna

The Big Bang-BINO
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 43
I feel you Qwerty!! I did that in college for 4 years! Two of those years I was a newlywed and parent! I got that degree though! The Deen is right on too! Listen, listen, listen to music that inspires and encourages you to keep at your craft. Yes, it means some sacrifice. Sleep, eating sometimes your studies will suffer too if you are really passionate about this music. When you get a moment of free time...take advantage of it by making beats, cratedigging or whatever!!! And let me add reading about the music business!!! Allow me to encourage you to get that diploma, degree, or GED (whichever you are working towards) and let that be your backup to your beatmaking. Because you don't know what direction that will take you (or not take you). At least you'll have that paper that states you're educated and certified to do whatever you went to school for.


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
Fuck, this night sucked as fuck. First my hocky team lost (nj devils) and I just was out of it to make beat. Like I said earlier, what is annoying is that during the week, while i'm doing school stuff I feel a beat in a me, I feel it so bad then I tell my self: alright i'mma do it this week-end. But one I got that free time, i'm just stuck and have no more idea.

Sucks as fuck.

And MP3, that's a lot of shit you have going on, but I think you forgot how school is. This summer i was working everyday, but i still good make beats cuz once I got home I had nothing else to do. Now the homeworks shorten all that free time, even during the week-ends. Your wife still can help you with these kids so you're not alone and this. And thankfully you probably use music as a getaway.

But anyway, I thinks it's really not the gravity of someone's "problem" that matters, it's really how it affects them.

Once again, thank ya for ya advice

The Bastard

i find that when i have nothing else to do (no school no work,which is hardly ever) i dont feel like makin beats, im too relaxed,i rather watch movies,hit the bars ,go out, its when i have work and school that i just wanna come home and work on sum beats,i guess its a release for me , theres nuthin better after a long hard day of thinkin and workin then just havin fun wit music

u should also write rhymes during class, cuz nuthing u learn in class will help u in the real world anyway.

Nuff B

ill o.g.
TheDeen said:

What I do? I listen to Dilla beats and I know that if that brother could work from a hospital bed and drop beats better than anyone else, I can handle school pressure.

It works, believe me.

damn thats some real shit