Software vs. Hardware


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
I master, that means in a contract more money for me, that's the main issue. Second is that I like to keep my signature on my products, I eq and alter dynamics, not the other guy in the masterstudio. It's that logical for me, if dont master my tracks then I feel like half-steppin a track. But then again, I have the facility to do so, it's a pain for a bedroom techie because he can't even have the experience untill he's been to a controlroom, a lot, and can feel with the process of mastering. It's the conditions you need.


ill o.g.
Kinda feel im being hated on!!! oh fuckin well!!! I guess Formant is tha only person who masters in here.... I dont master in a bed room anyway
i have my own facility!!! hell i dont have no eqipment in my bedroom...
anyway i guess ill be humble and walk away.... Sorry no pun intended..
Peace.. Maybe the whole fuckin software issue can rest anyway .... hardware is really my thing.... Peace...


ill o.g.
hardware for producing music and computer/software for recording music. The best of both worlds.


ill o.g.
Originally posted by Formant024
I master, that means in a contract more money for me, that's the main issue. Second is that I like to keep my signature on my products, I eq and alter dynamics, not the other guy in the masterstudio. It's that logical for me, if dont master my tracks then I feel like half-steppin a track. But then again, I have the facility to do so, it's a pain for a bedroom techie because he can't even have the experience untill he's been to a controlroom, a lot, and can feel with the process of mastering. It's the conditions you need.

yo homie, that is what works for you. It doesn't mean that anyone else needs to or would even want to do all the stuff that you do.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
I know, obviously, Im not saying that this is the way to do it nor do I want people to it like I do. There is no templated solution without experience, the more diverse you learn to more perspective you gain. It's my personal preference, mostly I'd note it before a remark. I can also reply in an objective matter but that wont ring a bell to most people in general. What is it you want ?


ill o.g.

yeah, that's cool. I don't want anything except to kinda stick to the original topic which wasn't even about mastering anyway. You dropped some good info anyway so it's all good.


ill o.g.
Yo formant Ima humble myself yo.... Peace.. Nug thank for that back up yo... Much luv to you all... Now hardware.... Favorite peices are?? and why?? N.U.G i guess he dont scroll up.... ill be back in a min yo...

<~~~ Workin on a production , tell me whats yall think about that 4000?? is it worth that money blowin it out??


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
I think it are items you should think about, it all concerns defining the difference between hardware and software, personaly hehe


ill o.g.
Originally posted by Odyessy
Yo formant Ima humble myself yo.... Peace.. Nug thank for that back up yo... Much luv to you all... Now hardware.... Favorite peices are?? and why?? N.U.G i guess he dont scroll up.... ill be back in a min yo...

<~~~ Workin on a production , tell me whats yall think about that 4000?? is it worth that money blowin it out??

whattup Odyessy,

as far as hardware, the MPC series is real dope. I seen and heard lots of graet beats be made on one of them (I don't have one myself though).

As far myself my setup is;
- a music PC
- audiophile 2496 soundcard
- Korg Triton Le
- FLStudio
- Cool Edit
- Akai MPD 16

if your talking about the MPC4000, I've heard very good things about it.


ill o.g.
Personaly i love that damn thing but it has its limitations thats why i kept my 2000xl the sequencer in tha 2000 is alot better... Or maybe ive not perfected tha use of tha 4000 yet.. not to jump back on tha subject again but ya know where i can get a Reason Keygen?? LOL

Anyway yo that Korg board Hows that workin for you...
The one board i still use is my Roland XP80 its been Nice
but ist gettin old.. i have all tha sound banks for it im thinkin about sellin
it and gettin a Korg ... what yall think???


ill o.g.
yo man, the Triton is nice. It's still kinda new to me so I'm still learning how to get the most of it but I'm happy with it. I don't think you could go wrong with a Triton, Motif, or Fantom as I've heard good things about all of them.

I'm keen to hear some of your beats homie.


ill o.g.
Yo heres 3 i put up... ima go from that worse to tha best... Kinda like a Backward way unlike some folks... Each 3 i add they will be up'ed.. as far as mixing and tools... equpiment so on so forth... These were produced useing Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 and windows sound recorder for sampleing.. No mixing except levels... no effects no shit... That should answer Spin Docters question a lil bit... it dont take 5000 fuckin dollars to make desent preproduction... i coulda done more but...

You gotta a showcase post N.U.G.??? anyways here mine

""You be Tha Judge""


ill o.g.
aight man, I'mma check it when I get home. I'm hoping to have a good 5-10 new beats to show by the end of March. I'll keep you posted patna.

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