The College Droput: your thoughts on Kanye's solo effort

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
wow oak, we agree on something? how'd that happen?

anyhow, this is a commercial album- for various reasons. commercialism isnt necessarily a bad thing, either... and i think it has become such a dirty word these days, like you are only "real" if no one knows your name or something, and then when someone says commercial, others are quick to jump to the defensive.

anyhow, this album sounds made for radio, and it will likely garner some decent spins and in all likelyhood a grammy nod amongst other awards.

*sighs* looks like my beloved ayatollah will forever go unoticed by the masses... just like RJD2's brilliant "dead ringer".... *sob*


ill o.g.
in my opinion "College Dropout" is an amazing album. It's the best thang I've heard in a looong time.

I respect y'all opinions though!

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
i havnt heard the whole album, even though i did here quite a few joints. As a fellow producer, i think the tracks are amazing. He's a great producer. As an MC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well, he's a lil run of the mill with a new approach. He has a new voice to the whole game, but,,,,nothin great. The whole industry bores me man. I'm just waitin on finishin my demo,,,then we'll see what happens...


i dont buy cd's.... last one i bought before kanye was the outkast joint the day it droped and i dont remeber what i bought before that, maybe cam's albulm.

thought it would be worth my money but i was disapointed...
but compared to other albulms coming out this one is ill, but i expected better...

alota people say kanye caint spit, im fealing him...
at least he has more to say then gun talk and ignorance, maybe his success will make it easyer with others who have something INTELGENT to say.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
Originally posted by N.U.G.
in my opinion "College Dropout" is an amazing album. It's the best thang I've heard in a looong time.

I respect y'all opinions though!

word to that yo! first album since supreme clientele i went out and actually bought!


ill o.g.
On the real, Kanye is from one of my old blocks and I can tell you that

A) He's had the same rhyme style for years (he even battled common and gave him good competition)

B) His beats have been like that forever (I heard Jay-z's "neva Change" beat like 2 yrs before Jay even had it. This local rapper name Payroll rhymed over it.)

As far as the album goes, I think it's hot, he's deffinately an above average emcee (not THE BEST but not bad either) he even spits pure fire on some joints (check "2 words" I think he outshined Mos def on that shit)

The beats are what really made the album though. I think he's most influenced by NO I.D instead of Just blaze cause NO I.D trained him.


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
man.... I dont know about that NO I.D. influence and all that... I mean, I know I.D. took him under his wing and all... but the sounds are way off.... NO I.D. had a.... like a .... feel... to it. emotionally. Kanye, I dont care what you say, has more of a mass appeal. I mean, yeah through the wire was a hot beat, but come on man, I wanted to use that sample in a much more creative way, but now I can't .... it's on the hip-hop producer's cliched samples blacklist now. Ohwell, fuck it. I havent heard any material from NO I.D. in like 5 years.... I heard he's messing with lames now. I hope to God he redeems himself... then mabey Kanye can train under him again..

OH YEAH , COLD TRUTH..... AYATOLLAH thats the other cat with a similar style.... check "My Life" with Pharoahe Monch and Styles P...

Personally, i think Ayatollah's better at flipping the samples.

LAST POINT: if Kanye had nothing to sample, how fly would he be? What if he had to sample lame shit like country music.... could he flip it on some good styles like Premier? or would he be stuck with his thumb up Jizza's ass?

think about it.


Equality 7-2521

i saw/heard Kenye West for the first time last night when he performed on the David Letterman Show.

twas a pleasant surprise in that he did actually have something on his adgenda as far as lyrics go.

he was nothing special.....i can think of a hundred Mcs who are better but i expected him to be completely shithouse concidering that hes popular and all.

hes nice with his beats and rhymes though.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i dont think ayatollah has the same style at all, outside of the sampled source. ayatollah has a much grimer feel to his tracks- and they are usually not sped up loops. i have an appreciation for the whole sped-up soul thing, because i have always been a chopper and i just started sampling again and its a bit difficult to match some of those samples to drums...... i posted a thread on this guys "personal legend" instrumental album, and its incredible to me.... and the my life beat is just ill, and i think all in all he is a better producer then kanye on an mc tip, but kanye has a more accesable sound. i still think that his style is more suited to the styles of mos def/talib/common than kanye as well.... but kanye will bring more sales and i cant really hate on that, but i would love to see an ayatollah mixtape with those guys, plus pharoah and some Bootcamp guys, maybe throw punch and words in there as well... that would be the dopest underground mix since soundbombing 2, which hitek dominated.


ill o.g.
Yea NO I.D/ Premier/ Ayatollah/ Pete/ they all sample but they all do it different ways. I like Kanye's lo fi drums and bass stabs

Alot of people don't know this but Kanye is a good pianist. (My brother went 2 chicago state w/ him and told me) so I don't think he'll be assed out w/ out vynil.


What's everybody talking about his sampling style for? His best beats are the ones he doesn't sample like Stand Up and Get em high. I was told that producers always find a way to hate on something that they didn't do. That tidbit seems right for the most part after reading through this thread. Why is it that so many people hate on anyone that sells a bunch of CDs? Having all of your music liked only by people that are other producers is meaningless. That's like being liked only by the people that judge award shows. If your art isn't embraced by the average person then you haven't done a good enough job at relating to them or touching them. Do you think he did his work with other producers or the average person in mind? Kanye seems to be the only NEW MC in a long time that is willing to be honest with his audience even if he is arrogant. Everybody has to have some arrogance to them. And his skits are hilarious especially for anyone that has gone to college.


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
I'm not talking about Kanye. Or Kanye's style in general. I'm not even talking bad about him. What I'm saying is I'd like to see him do some obscure sample-digging, like on his outside projects. Dont get me wrong, College Dropout only had 1 weak song, Actually it was the weakest song on the album but it was better than most shit on the radio now anyway. CD was good. Lyrics were good enough... yall know producing takes alot of time... NO great producer was equally a good emcee CONSISTANTLY..... NO great emcee was a good producer CONSISTANTLY either. He made the effort, though, and it was good. BUT HOLD UP... Stand Up and Get Em High were not his best production credits to date.... mabey the most modern-day-mass-appealing beats... not his best ones. Not hardly. In fact, i'da liked to see Com and Kweli on some of his different tracks.


not hating, just observing.

Hell, I don't even rhyme. I'm too busy making tracks that yall cant even contend with.

Ploop. -dantson


ill o.g.
when i first heard it, i was like damn i just wasted my money on this b/s but after a couple of listens it grew on me and i feel it to a point. i thought it was gonna be a banger but its only ight.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Like i said earlier, i didnt expect a banger, and i think its cool that hes droppin some lyrics that are partially conscience compared to alot of other mainstream crap...but i still could name a ton of other cats who have even more conscience raps and way more lyrical content then, his flow just really is not that hot...I have to say my favorite song on tha album is tha "fly away" song...that one had good prod, and nice lyrical content...other than that...tha albums just aiihgt... im glad to see a big mainstreamer makin music that doesnt completely revolve around material bullshit...



ill o.g.
Hey hey hey!!! lets keep the peace peoples.

I dont know if you guys are up to date on your facts because beef with common and em goes way back before anyone knew him. During his underground days. They had a lyrical standoff at some show and em ripped him in athe battle. To the point where Common, being his afrocentric self, began blurting out racial slurs at em out of frustration. This story is true. Iam an eminem and Common sense fan and I have been around the scene alot and had a boy who saw this show. Just thought I would settle this gay little squabble between yalls. Settle down Damn!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 27
i think its hot a good change you could say i give him a 8 and a half not really my style but i respect it

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
Originally posted by Phonetik
Hey hey hey!!! lets keep the peace peoples.

I dont know if you guys are up to date on your facts because beef with common and em goes way back before anyone knew him. During his underground days. They had a lyrical standoff at some show and em ripped him in athe battle. To the point where Common, being his afrocentric self, began blurting out racial slurs at em out of frustration. This story is true. Iam an eminem and Common sense fan and I have been around the scene alot and had a boy who saw this show. Just thought I would settle this gay little squabble between yalls. Settle down Damn!

thanks for updating us on the history, but we had ourselves a lil disagrement and squashed the damn thing ourselves so we dont need you to "settle" anything. did you see any comments about it after oak said "ha ha ha"? no, you didnt. i turned the thing into a joke, and that was the end of it. and please keep your "gay" coments to yourself in the future- that doesnt exactly solve problems. if you really wanted to "settle" something, you wouldnt have put that in there.
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