the music you produce

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
anything has a place to be talked about, any type of music has its place on this site because of the long arms of hip hop... but i definately miss the days when hip hop was anti r&b ... (rap and bullshit) ... but yo producer gyal should be the only one allowed to speak on r&b since it is music made for women...

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
how is it made for woman? i mean, thats the demographic, "target" audience and all, but...

anyhow, i love hard, no frills hip hop as much as anyone, but cot damn if i cant throw on an isleys record and chill without being "soft".


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Cold Truth said:

is what, exactly?

that definition is 1. ENTIRELY subjective, and 2. rather limiting... and doesnt quite fit the motto of "taking hip hop to the next level".

to deny the inclusion of the elements that hip hop has to borrow from in order to even EXIST is a bit of a reach.

rock has a place on this website; it is neither the emphasis or the focus, but it has a place... case i npoint, "breath' was sampled from a rock song.

so, rnb has never been a part of hip hop culture? how about jazz?what about funk? electric funk? hell electric funk was a precursor to the mannie fresh's and lil johns, artists with styles that most of these purists would call definitively NOT hip hop, but half of those electric funk jams that countless b boys spend hours dancing to are rnb as can be...

too many classics to count were simple loops of something other than hip hop music... guru basically built a career off of spitting over jazz loops and breaks..

seriously, rnb more than has a place here and indeed in hip hop. especially now; the two have become so closely intertwined. hip hop borrows from so many elements to make it what it is and to say that those elements have no place here for open discussion and exploration, well... hey do you but dont front like it should be a rule or something..
"it is neither the emphasis or the focus"

Thats exactly my point. The focus of this site is hip hop. Shit, there's plenty of other things that you can say are close with hip hop. But it still doesn't mean it is part of hip hop. And just because hip hop borrows from other places doesn't mean they have a place here. (Case in point: Hip hop borrows from pornograpy from time to time, but does porn have a place herer? DAMN YOU FADE!!!) Yea I know I was really reaching with that example, but the point is there. Shit, hip hop was created by borrowing shit from other genres because most niggas that started this shit couldnt play any instruments.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i agree about the focus completely.

actually, it sounds like we are more on the same page than it first looked. your point is well taken..


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
projects that I have seen lately are calling for 1. Multi Instrumentalists (producers with the ability play some instruments), 2. Producer Writers (producers that can make tracks and write lyrics) 3. Versatile Production (can produce RnB & Hip Hop or full scope of a project)....I like RnB, there is a demand for needs to be pushed, if you don't like the cheesy aspects I think as producers you can Flip RnB.....the right guitars and Basses are need..(live samples) or someone that actually can play the guitar....and the right with that said I do not think that a producer can leave out RnB and if they can't do it, they need to work on that aspect of their catalog and keep working on it and get them a singer to work with.....that's How I feel but definitely if someone does RnB on the site it should be in it it's own corner or forum......most soul or the Genre it was given was actually billed and put in the Genre of RnB.....its the same samples being implemented and Flipped by the top producers.......with that said if you do not understand how RnB and Hip Hop are related I think you should do a lil research......actually most RnB nowadays HAS a straight hip hop beat underneath but sometimes the drums are not the prominent instrument in the mix.........


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
yea i like listening to some r'n'b too and i do have a go at producing it too ! i don't see the harm in discussions about other types of music now and then after all variety is the spice of life ; )


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
cleverwon said:
(Case in point: Hip hop borrows from pornograpy from time to time, but does porn have a place herer? DAMN YOU FADE!!!)

LOL, you'll love one of my spots on tomorrow's radio show!

Hey if you guys keep this shit up I might have an R&B Beat This! theme, ahahaha. Seriously though, yes this is a Hip-Hop site but there's nothing wrong with discussing R&B (just like any other topic), and if a few of you want to talk about making R&B beats, what's wrong with that? It's not like I'm going to create a section for R&B! Plus, since Hip-Hop is mostly sample-based then we have to talk about other forms of music.

Can we get back to Producer Gyal's original question?


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
bigdmakintrax said:
projects that I have seen lately are calling for 1. Multi Instrumentalists (producers with the ability play some instruments), 2. Producer Writers (producers that can make tracks and write lyrics) 3. Versatile Production (can produce RnB & Hip Hop or full scope of a project)....I like RnB, there is a demand for needs to be pushed, if you don't like the cheesy aspects I think as producers you can Flip RnB.....the right guitars and Basses are need..(live samples) or someone that actually can play the guitar....and the right with that said I do not think that a producer can leave out RnB and if they can't do it, they need to work on that aspect of their catalog and keep working on it and get them a singer to work with.....that's How I feel but definitely if someone does RnB on the site it should be in it it's own corner or forum......most soul or the Genre it was given was actually billed and put in the Genre of RnB.....its the same samples being implemented and Flipped by the top producers.......with that said if you do not understand how RnB and Hip Hop are related I think you should do a lil research......actually most RnB nowadays HAS a straight hip hop beat underneath but sometimes the drums are not the prominent instrument in the mix.........
From a business point of view, your're right. My argument is from a non comercial radio brainwashed point of view.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
R&B was a phase for me when i was in like junior high impressin tha ladies and onto early highschool years.....Later, when i tried to put an R&B cd on tho it was jus mad corny to me!LOL>.....It was like it really only served one purpose - to help tha mood out with tha hunnies......thats about it....but honestly i cant stand tha shit now!


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
wait a minute yall????

for u to say that hip hop has nothing to do with R&B is kinda crazy man, where do u think hip hop came from????

Most of my beats can go either way. It just depends on your style, I make my beats with meldodies. I am a very musical dude. so becasue of that my production has an R&B feel, so does that mean ishould be left out of the mix???

Its cool that in your point of view of hip hop, u dont like R&B or R&B styled beats, but my view is differnt. I think there is room for all types of hip hop production on the sight. EVen those that may be close to the R&B side. Hell if u stuck to the pure defination of hip hop alot of people on this site would be left out.


The quote is "taking hip hop production to the next level"

not "taking underground puriest East coast sample based hip hop production to the next level"


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
cleverwon said:
From a business point of view, your're right. My argument is from a non comercial radio brainwashed point of view.

@classic: there is a BIIIIIIIIIIG difference between the current thing called rnb and the rnb more than fifteen years back.. i think people who have a heart for rnb from around that time shit on the rnb that has bodysnatched it nowadays.
rnb is nothing but an empty shell nowadays and dont come around the corner talking about hiphop and be talking about urban cos i got a bulletproof dick ;)


Posted Up
ill o.g.
It's all gravy, I'll listen to any beat that sounds good. I don't necessarily go out and look for R&B albums to buy, but I have been known to grab one or two. Of course the hardcore rap listeners are gonna base their shit on rap style and look for the same from others. I don't see anything wrong with that, but these peeps obviously aren't looking for innovation. I think music styles are always evolving and we as creators need to contribute in any way possible. I think a good example of this is Nelly's first album, now that shit was country if I ever heard country rap, but it was fresh, it was different and people liked it. I'll just end by saying that even those who say they don't like R&B will eventually find an R&B joint that they like. Hell maybe even polka can be some hot shit.


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
I listen to alot of rnb because I grew up on dat shit, like jodeci, new addition, and alot of old school ish to, I also know everybody is not the same just cuz somebody don't like what you like don't mean you have to throw a hissy fit about it.

But back to what PG said yea I would produce some rnd, but some stuff like Alecia Keys and Anthony Hammonds tho all that other rnb can go down the drain. I would like to also produce some techno and shit to.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
R&B is alive and welll

RigorMortis said:
@classic: there is a BIIIIIIIIIIG difference between the current thing called rnb and the rnb more than fifteen years back.. i think people who have a heart for rnb from around that time shit on the rnb that has bodysnatched it nowadays.
rnb is nothing but an empty shell nowadays and dont come around the corner talking about hiphop and be talking about urban cos i got a bulletproof dick ;)
funny, but I beg to differ

Your right there is alot of bullshit R&B out there but there is alot of bullshit music out their period.(just look at hip hop)

I dont understand how people can sit hear and call themselves producers and down an artform that help found hip hop

there is alot of great r&B music out today. u just have to know where to look. U CANNOT go by what u hear on the radio. Here are a couple cats that are in my rotaion

anythony hamiltion
erica badu
alica keys
Angie stone
Tweet <--very good album produced entirely by timberland

it goes on for a while. THe problem is is that people are calling b2k R&B thats fucking wack pop

As for beats listen to the kanye west song Higher

THis could have eaisly been an R&B song but he gave it to do or die and in my opionion the shit is hot as hell. There is a thin line between hip hop and R&B and it is crossed all the time. If u plan on making it in this industry u have to respect the music


P.S R&B is much harder to make than hip hop. Hip hop beats are easy, R&B actually takes forthought and planning


Clever, yes, I would say that Rock could play a little part as well. Of course, Hip-Hop plays the main role here, but I think it's okay that these other genres that are somehow a part of Hip-Hop can play a little role too.

To the question...I would make R&B/Soul as well, actually I am making it as well.
I respect you other's that are pure Hip-Hop, I used to be like that too when I was younger. I used to leave parties that didn't play Hip-Hop and couldn't stand any other genres! But then i got into producing and my whole world opened to other genres and today, R&B plays a big part as well, hell, I've even been messing with a little Trip-Hop, Lounge and 2Step. Then again, the difference might be that I see this as as business too, and the other Hip-Hop producers I know or are familiar with in Denmark make mostly R&B today (major label deals and radio singles and all), so I use them as a blueprint for where I'm going.


ill o.g.
If by r&b u mean j dilla and slum village then thats as close as i'd go, basically r&b producers just bite hip hop and put some bitch signing on it.

so i dont mind the beats but the singing and lyrics in rnb is boring.

in the words of copywrite "fuck r&b and anyone who sings it"