Things you notice about other members

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
This thread is funny,,,and no Fade, I never threw anyone through a wall,,,,weeellllll, when I was a bouncer, I threw a dude thru double glass doors, does that count?

Wings: Has been to every website on the world wide web

Chang: Has an avatar for all his favorite liquors

Fade: Tries to be "Mr. Illmuzik Organizer",but is still a smart-ass!

Steez: Ready to fall off the wagon any second...

Mad Scientist: Really is a "Mad Scientist". (and has a helper named Eigor who scratches dope cuts)

Holmz- Will SMASH anything with a heartbeat!,,,lol

Cleverwon: MIA

A. Deluxe: Bored of Beat This competitions.

Krzy K: Illmuzik's version of that one friend who knows how to do everything before you and has to teach ya how to do things,,,,

Classic:............still Chris Tucker

Merc Waters: Missing member of the "Native Tongue Crew"

King Corruption: In desparate need of rehab! has identity crisis. MY MAN! lol

Tricky: Undercover Hip Hop Head,,,,by his pic, ya would never know he makes beats!

StressWon: Takes 5 years to do a 8 bar verse!

to be continued,,,,,,,(I'm High)


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
StressWon said:
Cleverwon: MIA

Yea Stress I been busy in the studio lately, but you know I always check in with the fam even if i dont post a message. Holla holla holla.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
stress, if i'm ever in jerz, im coming by your crib, so you can protect me. and maybe record something.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
nice thread peeps! :) :lol:

indeed, i confess; i've been to A LOT (in a radical manner) of websites :laugh:

i put everything i have\can into my THANG (MUSIC): if it's time, dough or anything else ;)

"uh.. yeah, tricky spins is our resident dork. really." - Cold, what do you mean!? (if it's what i think, it ain't very nice of you! c'mon!!!) :confused:
and btw, PM Fade concerning your privileges...

Take It Easy,

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i'm just playin around! i hope i didnt offend you, tricky.. i am truly sorry if i did. this is just a good natured thread, so i felt free to rag on our guys (like fades, um, prientation otwards his own species..).... if i crossed a line, im sorry.


ill o.g.
haha@ Stress

STRESSWON - constipated to fuck! LOL

i only seen that one pic dog!




tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
I'M SO HORRIBLY OFFENDED THAT NOW I'LL HAVE TO GO OUT AND TAKE A PIC OF MYSELF SHOOTING SOME DUDE IN THE FACE WHILE HOLDING A 40. gotta keep myself outa dorkland, ya know? mybe i oughta to start tlkin wit increct grammer. mayb dat wood help, or mayb i shood tke guerva's aprotche...

is it working?

oh man, i've been tagged as the illmuzik nerd, resident dork, poor avatar picking, revenge of the nerds looking producer.

WHAT IS IT?!!?!? is it the glasses? lol, or is it the tux. that was prom night bitches, lol, i was looking sharp. haha. maybe i oughta post a pic of my date instead. lol. haha. man, i gotta break this rap. i dont want to become known as the glasses wearing pocket protectorized suspender sporting one.

now what can i add.

krzy- hasn't had a woman in years so he whacks off the the voice of the british chick he always uses for his tags.

cold- i dont think i've got anything for you. except you call me a nerd, yet based on your avatar i would guess your one of those anime fans. tsk tsk. go work on your level 4 dragon punch, KEEYAH!

incog- has developed into capitalizing the first letter of everything. he used to just caps everything. then all lower case, and he still uses more periods per post than any other member


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Hahahah oh man this is fun. Keep 'em coming.

Tricky, you SHOULD take a pic of you posing with a bandana at the end of a bat, and a 40 in the other hand. And a gat in your pants, wearing no shirt, and THUG LIFE across your stomach. Then you won't be the dork anymore. You'll be the 2pac wannabe.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
yea, i think i mighta been wrong about krzy. i think maybe thats HIS VOICE. i mean, that could explain a lot of things. i mean, look at that pic. he looks like a pretty sensitive guy. i think that pic was obviously taken when he was on the brink of tears while watching the final scene of "Gone With the Wind."


i make beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 39
so many people i cant even remeber you guys names, i only see it by avatar lol. all im gonna say is guevaras style of typing is cool and afriques typing is hard to dicifer. damn ive been here for over a year and i only got 200 posts? some people have been here for 2 months and got 500 posts


ill o.g.
tricky spinz said:
yea, i think i mighta been wrong about krzy. i think maybe thats HIS VOICE. i mean, that could explain a lot of things. i mean, look at that pic. he looks like a pretty sensitive guy. i think that pic was obviously taken when he was on the brink of tears while watching the final scene of "Gone With the Wind."

Yeah I CAPTURED my sensitive side, just dont fall in love though, the good looks are for the ladies :D

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
damn tricky... just smashed me.. actually, i am just a dragon ball z/gt fan. i think i have actually watched, maybe, 20 episodes total.

i actually dig that you just... do you. no image, no mythology about yourself, its just..... tricky, tahts you.

i didnt make you mad, did i? like i said, i am sorry if i did. i guess i crossed the line.


IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
I'M Watching yall......Don't try to turn off your computer now... and Cold. a couple of those girls in your " naughty" folder ( you know which one I'm talking about)... are defently UNDERAGE and my god, the others are old enough to be your grandmother.....damn. that's not right.....

I'm glad to see people forgetting to talk about me....cuz they forget I'm watching them....

Tim D

Bitchn' Bout IRS
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
I dont think Tricky should be mad, on a good day he could probably pull off looking like Harry Potter lol j/k though man

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
stress hit the nail on the head. its all in fun man. i can dig it. haha. yea, well, i wouldnt mind lookin like harry potter if i can have all the money that kid is making too. lol. haha, cold, i figured by the pic you were a DBZ fan. i unfortunately know enough of it to recognize the style.

oh and stress, that was good man, nice reference. haha.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Man, sometimes i think Im blind!?

Funny?...I never noticed this thread before?...
J-Av-Ox said:
Duecemade: Could be MC Search's little brother.
Bwuahaaahahahaha!!!...Yo do i really look like my boy Search!?LOL....Almost forgot about that cat..hehe.....Hmm?!
cold truth said:
Duecemade-doesnt talk about drinking so much these days
Word up...Ive been not drinkin as much, im still a junkie for gettin faded and makin beats tho when i get tha op...:D...I kno its bad:(....
stress said:
Steez: Ready to fall off the wagon any second...
Close dawg, real close....Im jus limiting my intake a whole lot more.....Why do i feel like u cats know me better than me?...Hehe!......And Yes, I am MC Search's little bro...I confess:D

Merc Waters - Always comin up with dope shit to say in his rhymes.

Stress - I kno that fool is secrectly buildin connects to take over tha world, that is as long as theres no cryptonite involved...

Wings - Is a muthafuckin hiphop theasorus - And yes i need to go pick me up on of those cuz i clearly cant spell.

Fade - Still think hes opperatin this site from tha underworld and were all gonna die real soon.

Ominous - One funny dilusional poor but funny guy that never has any free time for himself and has to buy 400 dollar lights because of tha all sacred 'ass-powers'...I feel for u bro.

Mr Mess - Cat is hiphop, what can i say....Mad skills on tha tables and gettin better every day....with a twist of down under beligerance.

Af D - Has one colorful fucking room.

Holmz - Has a rediculous amount of crates that im thinking of how to come over and steal during tha night!???...HMMMM??

Krzy - Tha only other cool Diabetic i kno..Heeh...I kno that sounds funny but its tru, Us diabetics gotta stick together - U Nuh Sayin'!!!:D

Cold - Is jus one chill ass dude, no matter what cats think...Dudes aiight in my book.

Hoppa - Never seen around here much anymore, must be makin moves more nowadays...


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
haha at shud be mc search's brother... he just looks like he should be a member of third bass... pop pop goes the weasel...

"Berserk: Looks like a Lush." WTF IS A LUSH????!!???

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