What Am I Missing By Not Using Pro Tools?


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
First off I can't use it because I have XP as an OS, right? I hear catz like The Mucka and a few others swear by it. I get really confused by the whole system! One dude I talked with said a PT system would run me many thousands of dollars, is this true? He also said it will be(or is) the industry standard. Is that correct? I look an Nuendo and logic, they pretty much boast the same thing. What are you actually getting out of your PT set up?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
you could get a mbox for around $400+ and it comes with the latest version of pt le. it is the industry standard here in the US i dont know for the rest of the world. you could take a session from your home to a major studo with no problem accept for the plugins. i used to be all about nuendo and cubase but once i learned protools at school i had to make the switch. the whay you could route the signal within protools alone won me over. i normally create a aux track and put all my vocal plugins in it, then i route all the audio vocal tracks i create to it. this is less stressful on your cpu, and the session goes alot faster because you are not having to insert the same plugins with the same setting on every vocal track you create.

i also know alot of mastering engeneers are using protools to master. but normaly they got the tdm or hd pt system with all the RTA plugins they need. thats $10,000+.

you give the mastering engeneer a pt file with all the instruments and vocals in their own track and once he is done your song will sound 100% better.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Joe the system that they are telling running into the thousands of dollars if probably the TDM system more heavyweight studios use this....and maybe the 002 system with the control surface can run you in the thousands.......I have had my digi 001 for almost 3 years and it is good if you have outboard gear like and MPC..a sound module and keyboard...you can have much better mixes if you use protools, it has built in dithering (higher res minimizing noise) processing, you get a used 001 for like 400-500, I dunno about the MBOX because I like to have my real 1/4 inputs you get 8 of them along with an optical(stereo) input adding 2 more...you have 10 individual inputs...an like Tito said the plugins available are valuable....I had some other programs but I like protools with my hardware.....Logic is just as great but they don't have a nice interface, I guess you could buy one but having protools is the easiest way for ME....to use 2 or more pieces of gear and use midi.....there's so much to know with the software, I never took any classes or any of that I am still learning and finally getting my mixes sounding good...lOL


You cannot use the free version if you have XP, but if you buy one of the systems, it only runs on XP.
You can buy the TDM / HD:accel systems for many thousands, or the LE systems for approx. $ 400 or above. The more you spend, the more you get, so it's up to your needs.
I have the smallest option, being the M-Box and I am very satisfied, and have tried taking my sessions to a large studio, which worked fine.
So far ProTools is the industry standard but Logic and Nuendo are starting to take a piece of the pie. They all have they cons and pros, so it's really a matter of taste and needs.
I personally like the easy interface compared to Logic, and the AS/RTAS plug-ins are much softer on my CPU than VST, but I also use a few VST's using the Fxpansion VST to RTAS wrapper.
I would go to their website and read more, www.digidesign.com.

Try reading more about your options and perhaps trying some trial versions etc, and see which fits you best.


ill o.g.
most artist that come to my studio have there music in pro tools so it is use by a lot of studios
i would change over myself if pro tools could of my 828 hardware for DP4 software. I paid $700 for that dam thing. But i just heard www.motu.com is making DP4.5 upgrade so you can run pro tool files

and the best thing i heard about pro tools is that have the best plugins and soon i will be able to use the same plugins with my software.
to sum it up big studios use pro tools and some schools teach it or DP


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
ok I will futher investigate. What I'm getting is(1) PT will not overload your CPU (2)Better signal routing and (3) incredible plug-ins for mastering and such. OK

I just make beats right now. But I see cats that are looking for a place to record. I suck at engineering so I want a program that can almost co-pilot the session for me. lol Blending basslines and vocal leveling & EQ challege me something vicious! I heard another member say something like "it almost does it for you. I wish I would have paid attention then.


Guys, don't mess up everything.

Pro Tool is a superb product, but the day something will work alone is not come. Wut does the soud is the SOUND ENGINEER and it's EARZ. A crappy engineer with the best tool will do crappy work, and a good enginner with crappy tool will probably still beat him.

But if you got good tool and a good engineer you'll get good results!!

Your not missing anything not having pro tool. It's because nowadays every1 is stuck up to : ''Oh, better mic is better recording, or most expensive monitors will make the best mix!!!''

Even if i give you wings will you fly or crash?? You'll need to learn em!! you know? ;)

I was stuck with that idea until a professionnal engineer literally slap me in the face (verbally lol) always hearing me saying i wanted those mackie's to make a good job.

He told me : ''F**kin go back to your studio, and make a good recording with wut you have. That day i learned you can achieve anything out of nothing.

Practice your ears, learn to know the sound, hear between sounds, be a SOUND ENGINEER. Don't be a machine slave, or you'll never be a pro.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 51
acid, reason....

Hey dont forget you can also track out anybeats you did on ACID, FL, Reason....into Pro Tools via REWIRE. and then add your live instrumentation or vocals etc. I've had no issues with my Mbox....so I would say go for it.....I got all kinds of cats coming to my little personal home studio to record they tracks..and I do it all on the MBox....I still want to upgrade to the Digi002 though....pretty soon!!!

Peace out!!



Frictionbeats said:
Hey dont forget you can also track out anybeats you did on ACID, FL, Reason....into Pro Tools via REWIRE. and then add your live instrumentation or vocals etc. I've had no issues with my Mbox....so I would say go for it.....I got all kinds of cats coming to my little personal home studio to record they tracks..and I do it all on the MBox....I still want to upgrade to the Digi002 though....pretty soon!!!

Peace out!!


That's true, integration of reason is total and do the job. I did it for a mix with cubase sx and i was surprised by this way of working. I think it leads to a new path in the trend of open softwares.

Yo friction, you will be happy when you'll upgrade. You'll immediatly see the difference in transparency when you record with the digi 002.


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
ACID is my SHIT! Another shameless plug!
You would think I owned the company!

For the newbies.... ACID is my friend!


I used ACID too for a while. Matter of fact, I still use it when i needa change the lenght/tempo of a sample without changing the pitch or vice-versa.

Great tool.

The Bastard

digi is fuckin shameless , they should make protools be able to work with any fuckin soundcard you want,scum bags


digi is fuckin shameless , they should make protools be able to work with any fuckin soundcard you want,scum bags

Every soundcard is different, sounds different, and works different (calculation).

Digidesign need they're software to be run on specific calculators (Hardware that come with it).

They want Pro Tool to react and work they're way. Cubase for example, will not sound the same for you and me if we have different cards.

It's not a way to make cash so you buy they're harware, but more a quality and reputation matter.

Ya know wut i mean?? :p

The Bastard

Every soundcard is different, sounds different, and works different (calculation).

Digidesign need they're software to be run on specific calculators (Hardware that come with it).

They want Pro Tool to react and work they're way. Cubase for example, will not sound the same for you and me if we have different cards.

It's not a way to make cash so you buy they're harware, but more a quality and reputation matter.

Ya know wut i mean?? :p
but if you dont mind it soundin diffrent with another soundcard, u dont think you have that choice?they can easily recomend u use their hardware for best results just like sony suggest u use their headphones for their portable cd players, yet they chose to make their hardware proprietary, i dunno i think they are just trying to snake you into buying their shit


If Pro Tool cannot give the result they build it for with another sound card, wut is good for you to use this software?

Why you want so much to use pro tool, why not cubase or logic??

If it doesnt give the result, why they would sell the product alone to work with other soundcards??

They got a name a reputation, and an industry standard of way to work and sound to keep.

They want any engineer used to pro tool, to get ina ny other environment and be at ease.

Something they succeed by sellin their own hardware package.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
I think it's an outdated but well marketed concept... But like said before, there's nothing you couldn't do with either Cubase or Logic because the issue's that matter are hardware related. These days when running a Mac it is MOTU for the best interfacing, pc wise I'd say Lynx, RME and definitly EMU. In fact, the 1820 system killz a 002, both have the same converters, same quality but EMU has higher snr ratio boosting out a 120dB's for a price PT cant tip. Major studio's purchase PT because it's a industry standards made by keen marketing and a good history to multitracking software ( WAAAYYYY back in the days where you'd pay 18K for 3 shiny cd's /PTIV). So understand it's an requirement to hook up customers to their expectations.

Something else, I dunno if Joe gotz win98 and enough space on his pc, but you can install both OS's on your pc if you really want to try out the free PT version. You just choose which OS you want to use when booting.


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
Can you save with that PT download offered here?

I do have Win 98 and space, but I have always been afraid to run OS 's . Somethin' like black cats and breakin' mirrors , I guess. lol

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i know logic nuendo and PT all pretty well... i like logic the best .. but i dont think theres any advantages to PT except that more people use it ... but like someone else said the shit is shifting a little bit with more cats usin logic and nuendo... but the "signal routing" thing dude was talkin bout can be done on logic as well... i dont think theres anything in PT that cant be done in logic or nuendo as well...

yo ace... what results are you talkin bout ... the difference in sound quality when using it on a different soundcard is so negligable you cant tell... what are yall talkin bout

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