Whats so great about ProTools


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
lilhatedon said:
if all the producers in the industry used fruity loops everybody would be saying thats the best too (well alot of them would)

I'm very sorry but no lol....trying to compare FL Studio with ProTools is like trying to compare my shit after eating a solid spicy burritto, and a piece of chocolate cake....they're both brown, but what would you rather eat??

ProTools is not the best because everyone used it, everyone uses it because it's the best...From now on, no more replies to this thread unless you've actually used ProTools, or have some sort of knowledge of how it works...Anyone who knows about ProTools wouldnt be comparing it to FL Studio lol


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
djswivel said:
I'm very sorry but no lol....trying to compare FL Studio with ProTools is like trying to compare my shit after eating a solid spicy burritto, and a piece of chocolate cake....they're both brown, but what would you rather eat??

ROFLMAO! OMG! Funny but true. I use FL cause I like it but ProTools is a totally different animal anyway. If you compare the recording capabilities of the 2, FL can't touch it. LMAO! I just don't have a practical use for ProTools right now and I have no hardware anyway. Shit, I haven't even picked up a midi controller for FL yet, LOL!


Reppin V.I.C
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
pro tools makes it easier for a producer to manipulkate a beat without an engineer also its in house mixing capabilities on board effects are second to none, sure the midi is shit, but thats what progs like Logic are for, they can easily be used in conjunction with each other, also being able to see what you are working with in terms of wave forms and beat patterns helps in chooping and sampling, in my view pro tools (in the right hands) does everything cool edit, ableton live and all the other progs can do. I cant wait to get stuck in to Pro Tools 7, another quick thing to note is the use of pro tools hardware, you can take the thing with you anywhere, Digi 002 is an awesome interface for micing and midi.. anyway i better shuddup b4 someone comes along and tells me to shuddup
ill o.g.
Theres nothing special about pro tools. Mostly everyone uses it because it has dedicated hardware that you can incorporate with it. Its a standard now, only because everybody talks about it. I personally think Sonar is better.


ill o.g.
sonar hasnt got half the power pro tools does...and its not setup aswell for the main purpose pro tools is.....sonar is still regarded as a DAW and its behind ableton and logicin that respect probably aswell..........its not a commercially swung industry at the top end....sound engineers are fucking nerds, and they wont accept something as standard unless its worthy.......pro tools le is ahead of the game...pro tools HD is fucking miles ahead of the game.....infact i think honestly even the makers of sonar would admit to that in a second


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
Sin:Aesthetic said:
infact i think honestly even the makers of sonar would admit to that in a second

i wouldnt doubt that in a second....I'm not even gonna bother trying to prove the people who dont agree wrong....ProTools is on top for a reason, because its way ahead of everyone else

Get a PT system, use it, and them come and argue that Sonar is just as good...I think most of the people who disagree are basing that on the actual software, based on what they've used. Anyone who has used Sound Forge for 5 years and then jumps on ProTools is gonna say SoundForge is better because they are familiar with it....But tell me this, when was the last time a Sound Forge, Sonar, Ableton (the list goes on) system has been able to playback 192 audio tracks @ 44.1khz, 24 bit, plus aux, midi, and master fader tracks, with internal bussing and real-time signal processing at once?? HMM??? I rest my case

Evil Scientist

ill o.g.
Hey yo Pro Tools is cool an all what djswivel says is true...BUT:

The Pro Tools systems he talk about cost up to and beyond $20000, for that price there ara WITHOUT DOUBT other systems that could provide the same functionality, imagine say three or four PowerMac Dual 2.7GHz systems, with 4gb ram each etc.. (around $4000 each) connected as logic nodes with Logic Pro 7, multiple audio interfaces, plus a few DSP processing systems added for extra measure (eg, Creamware, PowerCore) and you have a system that can more than match a Pro Tools system costing the same.

Pro Tools HD is f**king expensive and should not be compared to systems costing far less, they are not in the same league obviously, still justifying the cost of ProTools HD systems in the end comes down to questions of compatability, universality, blah blah blah, but don't tell me you can't do better with the same money cos you can. Give me $20000-25000 to spend on audio processing and I COULD build you a better, more powerful system. The a/d converters on even the 192 I/O are not too hard to improve (apogee anyone?)

but yo cool, whatever floats your boat, as we say in blighty ;-)

Equality 7-2521

The people who hate on PT are the ones who havnt explored it. Youd be VERY hard pressed to find someone who has actually bought PT LE, explored it and then decided they dont like it. PT is the shit nuffsaid. To all those who havnt seen what it can do, stop your yapping. If however you have bought it, explored it and still decided it is shit, good luck finding a program that can do PT's job better.

On a brighter note, I fucked with ProControl for the first time today at school. Fuckin easy as piss and very well integrated with PT (as youd expect from Digidesign). Id still kill to fuck with a D-Command though.

PT 7 will destroy when it comes out.

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
^^ Studio i work at Runs PT, DP and Logic Setups, I've used them all PT is a great setup it just doesn't Do what Dp does(for me) im sorry it just doesn't. Now if u Can honestly Sit with a Blown out Dp setup like i have with PT and tell me DP isn't Killin then i can Respect that

Ur Right tho Most people will diss PT or any other expensive Setup Simply because they dont own it can't afford it or Basically just following a pack

But Seriously Learn DP and actually compare the 2

there are PLatinum Albums Recorded on Both Setups So it really doesn't Matter


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
Equality 7-2521 said:
On a brighter note, I fucked with ProControl for the first time today at school. Fuckin easy as piss and very well integrated with PT (as youd expect from Digidesign). Id still kill to fuck with a D-Command though.

PT 7 will destroy when it comes out.

I'm in Advanced workstations at Full sail right now (10th month). Right now we're working on Control 24's on and HD setup. Next month I love into session recording and we're back to workin on the big analog boards, SSL9000J, and Amek 9098i, but in 12th month, the last month before I graduate we got....ahem

ProControl's and DCON/ICON's in EVERY lab!!!! I can't wait to mess with those D-Commands!!! ill let ya know how it is!!!

Equality 7-2521

^^^ I HATE YOU!!!! lol. Dam man, SAE has Icons at the studios in Sydney (where SAE originates), but I live in Adelaide, where the studios are pretty small compared to the SAE in other places of the world. If i go to do the degree (which you have to go to Sydney for) then I might get to play with an Icopn though. At my school we just got an upgrade. Sold the tape machine, Quartz analogue desk (i wasnt too successful with this desk. i couldnt work out the signal flow. but then again i hardly spent much time on it before we got rid of it so thats my fault really) and a bunch of analogue FX units. Replaced with ProControl + another HD system, new Blue sky surround sound monitoring, a Mackie digital console and some other shit. Apart from that we got a bunch of PT LE computers. But yeah we aint got shit compared to what you got by the sounds of it.

what made you choose Full Sail over SAE? and are you on track to get good marks? you got msn man?

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