Why do you believe in religion?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Even though Maher IS a comedian and the movie had its funny parts, there is also a very REAL dynamic to the entire movie which really is the whole point of the film, not just to be funny, its just that the guy is funny too ya kno.


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Even though Maher IS a comedian and the movie had its funny parts, there is also a very REAL dynamic to the entire movie which really is the whole point of the film, not just to be funny, its just that the guy is funny too ya kno.


One of my Fav clips for that film is with the first preacher he talks to and the guy goes "Man I knew this young lad who was about to kill him self for a girl he was so in love with her. I said take that feeling and put it to God"

Interview changes to a clip of a suicide bomber running a car into another car and blowing up.!!! lmao.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I just think its sad how people get so consumed with their religious beliefs to the extent that it controls the outcome of how they treat others and the world around them - it seems selfish to me. (And no one religion is exempt IMO) Not all of this result is negative, but at least like 50% of it is, and for what? Just seems pointless. Humans are naturally bound to beef with one another, but I guarantee if religion wasn't the sole factor for 90% of the human destruction and war thats occurred throughout history and now in present day, we would have way more peace in the world and less prejudice. The irony to me is that its really not that complex to just co-exist and get along, but people need more apparently. Because of this many cling to religion, which IMO just continues to help distort the reality of whats around them.

The Arkitekt

Deep thinking Steez, sounds like you got a quick bowl in right before you wrote that post lol


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
The Law of Attraction, The Secret, Think and Grow Rich are all branches from the same tree.
Prayer is the most common form of autosuggestion that exists. There are universal laws that govern mankind and life on the planet that most people (in America, especially) rationalize using religion.

I've noticed that many Eastern 'religions/philosophies' tend to embrace and acknowledge universal law in many of the teachings/texts that I've read.

Your mind is literally a magnet and once you start studying, you'll be able to meet someone and determine exactly who they are, and where they're going just by the words they say to you and around you. Fascinating.

Yea, its good to see heads on ill are learning.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Your talking bout the law of attraction thing right? I just found out about that recently... interestingggg stuff. I been lookin into it heavy, trying to look for the science behind it. I saw the DVD on it, good movie.

Yes sir.

I think it does work. There have been situations where things weren't looking too good....So I started believing that things are going to improve and how I was going to change my situation....

And it worked...Coincidence? Possibly.... The Secret? Possibly.

The Secret in a nutshell is basically saying, "positive things happen to positive people".


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
... wait does anyone here (besides myself) meditate and/or are aware of their electromagnetic field and chakra system?

sorry i haven't read the whole thread.

The Arkitekt

Yes sir.

I think it does work. There have been situations where things weren't looking too good....So I started believing that things are going to improve and how I was going to change my situation....

And it worked...Coincidence? Possibly.... The Secret? Possibly.

The Secret in a nutshell is basically saying, "positive things happen to positive people".

I gave it a shot and tried it out, it works in its ways... my thoughts on it now is because I tihnk of something it makes my mind subconsciously find ways to do it...

I wouldnt really say the main idea of it is "positive things happen to positive people" (although thats a big part and a result if you go by the law of attraction), but rather "thought becomes thing"


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
I gave it a shot and tried it out, it works in its ways... my thoughts on it now is because I tihnk of something it makes my mind subconsciously find ways to do it...

I wouldnt really say the main idea of it is "positive things happen to positive people" (although thats a big part and a result if you go by the law of attraction), but rather "thought becomes thing"

I think. Therefor I am.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
... wait does anyone here (besides myself) meditate and/or are aware of their electromagnetic field and chakra system?

sorry i haven't read the whole thread.

I just mentioned chakra's foo! But yeah, i dont get down with that stuff. I read about it alot when i was a teenager tho.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
I just mentioned chakra's foo! But yeah, i dont get down with that stuff. I read about it alot when i was a teenager tho.

haha! yea word its pretty interesting stuff that's legit IMO, its basically the shit that's taught in some/most martial arts as harnessing your bodies energy, etc.


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
I'm actually impressed that the thread didn't go haywire yet... wow!

But back to topic, I'm a believer. Now, I always thought that it's not relevent to use the bible as proof that God or Jesus exists to a non believer. If the person doesn't believe in God, why would he believe in His words...

Also, most people who say that religion brings out the worst in people are... well... right. Unfortunately, most of the wars in history were based on a clash of beliefs. The thing is that is a HUMAN trait and it has nothing to do with the message most religions are conveying.

Ex: the ideas behind communism are great, but they are always distorded by greed and the hunger for power (Y'all probably all read "Animal Farm" by Georges Orwells)

Also, I see a lot of people are using parts of Zeitgeist to prove their point, but that movie is FULL of mistakes...

Ex... God sun (of Sun God, or whatever) = God's son...

I mean, come on now... really?

You really think that jews and hebrews speak in english? lol I mean, I don't know the language, but I know that even in french (my 1st language, that doesn't make sense)

In french... Sun = Soleil and Son = fils...

As for the similarities, between paganism and chrstianism, well, they are obvious. YES, christianism was mixed somewhere in history with paganism and Christmas was on a pagan special son's day. But that was man made, still has nothing to do with the religion itself and it's message but all to do with how people are distorting the message... and making it convenient for them...

Dont mix the cards, people...


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
^^^^ Yeah, that's right....




ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Unfortunately, most of the wars in history were based on a clash of beliefs. The thing is that is a HUMAN trait and it has nothing to do with the message most religions are conveying.

I gotta disagree. Im just saying know your history man. Religious views melt into political disputes amongst different regions of the world over and over and is one the largest reasons for a great deal of the war and destruction that has occurred and will continue to occur until people wise up and realize their killing each other over their own extremist beliefs. Its silly.
Clearly the dynamics of the reasons for these wars varies greatly from one to another in regards to specific disagreements but if you push all that nonsense aside and strip away the political bullshit, you'll find religion hiding its head in there almost every time - and those religious beliefs are really part of these peoples governing systems in helping them make integral decisions which effect you and I and even everyone else depending on the global scale.

People say all the time that they dont mix religion with politics, especially here in the US - but thats total bullshit.
(*Not saying that you said this specifically, its just in relation to my response)
I'm actually impressed that the thread didn't go haywire yet... wow!

But back to topic, I'm a believer. Now, I always thought that it's not relevent to use the bible as proof that God or Jesus exists to a non believer. If the person doesn't believe in God, why would he believe in His words...

Also, most people who say that religion brings out the worst in people are... well... right. Unfortunately, most of the wars in history were based on a clash of beliefs. The thing is that is a HUMAN trait and it has nothing to do with the message most religions are conveying.

Ex: the ideas behind communism are great, but they are always distorded by greed and the hunger for power (Y'all probably all read "Animal Farm" by Georges Orwells)

Also, I see a lot of people are using parts of Zeitgeist to prove their point, but that movie is FULL of mistakes...

Ex... God sun (of Sun God, or whatever) = God's son...

I mean, come on now... really?

You really think that jews and hebrews speak in english? lol I mean, I don't know the language, but I know that even in french (my 1st language, that doesn't make sense)

In french... Sun = Soleil and Son = fils...

As for the similarities, between paganism and chrstianism, well, they are obvious. YES, christianism was mixed somewhere in history with paganism and Christmas was on a pagan special son's day. But that was man made, still has nothing to do with the religion itself and it's message but all to do with how people are distorting the message... and making it convenient for them...

Dont mix the cards, people...
even though the jews dont speak english, solomon is made up of 3 syllables Sol-Om-On.
All three syllables are each a different name for the sun in different languages.
We live in the Sol-ar system the system of the sun.
In meditation the sacred word is Om, another name for the sun,
Lights switches are turned On, another name for the sun.
Christianity is full of astrology and sun worship,
Judaism is full of astrology and Saturn worship,
and the muslim faith is full of astrology and moon worship.
These facts do not relly on faith in any shape or form, they are facts.
Many religious texts were written after the writers had taken magic mushrooms and other hallucinogens to get closer with god and see the world through distorted eyes. Thats another fact.
There is pagan worship in obelisks and domes, by every feminine dome there is always a masculine and phallic obelisk. Just take Canary wharf and the millenium dome for example.
The architecture of cathedrals and churches is full of these masculine and feminine symbologies, if you open your eyes to see, the orifaces are shaped like a vagina and the spires are the masculine energy force.
Churches are built on ley lines, the earth has its own energy force that runs along the ley lines, Tesla tried to tap this energy source and provide free energy to the whole world, satanists seek to channel negative energy through the same ley lines.
Religion is much much more deep than the words in any holy scripture, holy scripture is the words of man, for god has no physical form to have written them himself.
Gods existence is plainly visible in the perfection in complexity of all living things. And in the complex and infinite
universe that works like clockwork. Life is no accident and neither is the universe, so what if there was a big bang, what started the big bang? and what existed before the big bang?

Science is no answer or replacement of religions, it has its own flaws and agendas.

My message is if you want to understand the universe you need to get your knowledge game up, your self investigation, dont take anybodies word for it, and try to find out for yourself.
God is within, he is our consience. You dont need anybody but yourself to find god.
Jesus is no gatekeeper of heaven, life after death IMO exists for all spirits that have left their earthly material form, the path they take in the spiritual realm is as diverse a choice of paths as a life on earth would be.

Einstein said energy is a constant, it just transforms from one type of energy into another.
I personally beleive our bodies are vessels for spiritual enlightenment,

evil is necessary in the world, it maintains the balance.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Without bad how would we recognise good?
These are mathematical universal laws.
Mathematics IS the law of the universe, on a nuclear level everything that exists is a manifestaion of energy, nothing much of any substance is really there. Its mostly empty space, thats why they have theories of anti matter and alternate universes, because by their calculations there isnt enough matter in the universe to hold it all together. Thats what leads me to the matrix theory, that its all just an electronic projection for its creators purposes. For all we know the universe as we know it is just some tiny subroutine in the program that performs calculations for its owner, like Tron(lol).
But the nature of the universe is far too complex a task for us to even think we could understand let alone create a unification theory....a theory to sum up the whole universe in one simple equation(makes me laugh every time) but thats what einstein and all the other phycisists seek to do,
the unification theory seeks to unite einsteins theory of relativity with newtons theory.
Because on a subatomic level they are incompatible and the finite physics of the atomic world dont exist in the subatomic world. This is all getting a bit deep and long, Im gonna leave it there.

Things I took for value from the old bible days....

"The Lord Helps Those That Help Themselves"

If there is anything in life that you really want to understand, then study.
Be it religion or anything else, if you want to know about it, you study it.
Never take anyones word for it, people have agendas, people are corrupt, people are selfish.
Be true to yourself, then you can trust yourself, and beleive in yourself.


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8

@Sygma - Religion IS the human interpretation of truth not the truth itself. Religion is man made. Whatever truth exists is beyond our conceptions of it.

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